Do Heroes Need Welfare Too?


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I accidentally got s**ked into a failure game just because I made a mistake once on the contract. It was a game I had challenged hundreds of times before, so I thought I could easily clear it with my eyes closed, but…

“After already seeing the ending?”

…This is unexpected, isn’t it?

* * *

It turns out my mission is to take care of the welfare of the exhausted hero after the ending! They say that’s how I can return to the original world.

“Your help is not needed.”

However, our hero, who used to default to kindness, firmly maintains a barrier. You shouldn’t ignore a seasoned player in a failure game. That barrier, I’ll break it somehow!

“Hero! Shall I help you change your clothes?”

“Hero! Put down that rock-like bread right away and have the freshly baked one I just made.”

“Hero! Why aren’t you sleeping yet? It’s mandatory to rest after 12 o’clock.”

I only took care of the hero’s welfare and left, but…

“Come back, Eve.”


“Have you started to dislike me now? Or perhaps, do you think I won’t be able to protect you?”

Reuniting with the hero wasn’t part of the plan, so what’s this situation?

“Don’t worry, Eve. Everyone who could threaten you… I’ve already killed them.”

…Hasn’t the genre changed a bit here?

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