Divine Reincarnation


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Throughout Heaven and Earth, I Alone Am The Honored One

The unparalleled prodigy of the dark faction (邪派), Cheon Mu Shin Gui (天武神鬼) Sa U-Myeong.

Was it because of his exceptional talent?

Betrayed and eliminated by the Demonic Cult (魔教) and his master, he is reincarnated as Cheon Woo-ha, the eldest son of the Yongmyeong Merchant Guild (容名商街).

“This life, I wish to live quietly.”

However, his talent, which turns even geniuses into fools, is hard to hide.

Those who dare disturb the tranquil heavens shall come to know what calamity truly means.

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09/13/24 Media Tag c1
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