Disastrous Romance


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I transmigrated into an adult dating sim. And it was not just any game, but one that offered the chance to experience the happy ending firsthand!

However, my initial joy was short-lived.

[Gather the OP (or**sm Point) of the Four Peerless Men located across the continent to save the world.

Failure: Death]

“…Log out.”

[Notice: Log out is unavailable during special events. Please try again after achieving the final goal.]

“…Damn it.”

A special event I didn’t even know about had begun, and to survive, I had to seduce the male leads.


“Lies. You’re so wet down there, you’re begging for it.”

“You’re whimpering like that, and you want to run away? You can’t leave here.”

“Ah… Yes, when your blue eyes get wet, I want to soak your lower half too.”

“Why, is one not enough for you now?”

The love of the world’s strongest men was nothing short of a disaster.

Will I be able to reach the happy ending safely?

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  1. <3 the cover is beautiful and aesthetic~~
  2. I love it when they're mean 3

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