Devourer of Monsters: The Lowest-Ranked Adventurer Becomes the Strongest with the Power of Monsters


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The protagonist, who had been at the bottom of the adventurer rankings for years, had a gift known as ‘Monster Devourer’ This ability merely allowed him to eat monster meat without getting sick, making it seem like a useless power. Naturally, he had no combat abilities.

However, he continued as an adventurer with the promise he had made to his childhood friend, who had started adventuring with him. She had vowed to aim for the top of the adventurer rankings together, and now she was ranked ninth. There was a significant difference between her and the protagonist, who was still at the bottom.

One day, the protagonist faced a turning point. He was attacked by a wolf monster and was on the brink of death. In a desperate frenzy, he bit into the wolf’s flesh.

‘Acquired Skill: Forest Wolf’s Great Fang.’

At that moment, a voice echoed in his mind.

The ‘Monster Devourer’ gift, which he had thought was a failure, turned out to be an all-powerful ability that allowed him to gain the powers of the monsters he devoured while still alive.

Awakened, the protagonist began devouring monsters one after another, increasing his abilities. He rose from the lowest rank and climbed the rankings to reach the top!

The boy, now imbued with the power of a hundred monsters, aimed to catch up with his childhood friend and stand shoulder to shoulder with her by reaching the top of the adventurer rankings.

Watch as the protagonist’s growth, increasingly resembling a chimera, unfolds!

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