Destructive Salvation


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A year had passed since the outbreak of the zombie apocalypse. My last memory was of saving Logan, being bitten by a zombie in the process, and the rage I felt toward him as I transformed.

But when I opened my eyes again, I found myself lying in a strange hospital room.

“Patient 023 has woken up! Doctor, come to room 023 immediately!”

“Ugh… wh-who’s… here?”

“She seems stable for now. Call her guardian.”

Confused by the unfamiliar surroundings and the strangers around me, the door to the hospital room swung open, and someone walked in. Someone who seemed oddly unfamiliar yet familiar at the same time.

“Are you sure you want to take her home? The zombie virus isn’t completely eradicated. There’s still a high chance she could turn again.”

“I lived with her even when she was a zombie.”

“Ah, yes… well, that’s true.”

My so-called guardian was none other than Logan—the very person I had saved.

Why was ‘he’ my guardian?

And what did they mean, “lived together when I was a zombie”?

* * *

“Logan, I’m so thirsty. My throat feels like it’s burning up. Can I just take a little bite?”

“Try it, and you’ll regret it.”

“You’re so mean! I’m doing my best here.”

“You volunteered. Now focus and do it right.”

Drool dripped from my gaping jaw, falling onto the floor. His taste filled every corner of my mouth and throat, suffocating me, yet instead of pain, I felt hunger. Intense hunger.

I had eaten dinner, so why was I still so ravenous?

‘God, I want to sink my teeth into him.’

Every time I looked at him, an unsettling discomfort swelled within me, accompanied by an unbearable thirst that scorched my throat. It was clear… I wasn’t fully cured yet.

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