Delicious Sweet Milk Baguette


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Roa Eckladen, the renowned royal herbalist, was enjoying a rare break when she stumbled upon a bakery highly celebrated in a famous column for its exceptional bread.

Contrary to her anticipation of simply tasting a good loaf of bread, what Roa encountered was an unexpectedly special sweet milk baguette.

“Wait! How can that… be like that?”

“It is that. This is my tasting bread for you, Roa.”


“It’s our bakery’s secret menu, offered only to special guests.”

Roa swallowed nervously as she looked down at the extraordinary baguette before her. Caught in a tug-of-war between instinct and reason, Roa’s dilemma seemed to be noticed by the man before her, who offered a reassuring smile.

“It will be delicious. I promise you.”

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맛 좋은 연유 바게트
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