Deep in Peach Blossoms


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Bai Song went to work a casual job outside of his hometown for quite a while and didn’t go back to the countryside. But he was suddenly called back by his parents, relatives, and friends and to be a mythical creature’s s*x thing?
Although I’m gay, it’s so strange that the village where I was born was actually the legendary Peach Blossom Spring? (the Peach Blossom Spring, a hidden land of peace and prosperity)
But he was only raised to be a husband!

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Latest Release

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07/26/20 Exiled Rebels Scanlations c3 (end)
07/26/20 Exiled Rebels Scanlations c2
07/26/20 Exiled Rebels Scanlations c1
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17 Reviews sorted by

Shrike1978 rated it
November 4, 2021
Status: Completed
So. Imagine your most humiliating get caughtby parents situation. This is where our poor MC starts. Then they truss him up and throw him off a bridge. The whole time he's going WTF??!?!?!? Then he goes down Alice's rabbit hole. When he get home, he discovers the rabbit hole came with him. I liked the smut, it was nice, but really I just found the story damn funny. The poor rational science raised boy discovering that he's been living in a very very strange village his whole life. I actually... more>> thought the length was perfect too. Too much detail would dilute the humor and strangeness. <<less
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MeimeiXgreetsXNiangniang rated it
July 27, 2020
Status: --

The concept is interesting and ridiculous. This is a short story set in a world where supernatural beings have just resumed their coexistence with humans.

If the story has been longer then the author could've explored this set up. However, since it's only a short story not much was explained about the world.

But hey! I find the smut rather sweet? The MC and ML's interactions are kinda cute and despite their questionable first time, it wasn't creepy.
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caicaicat rated it
December 27, 2021
Status: Completed
I love a story with a very realistic protagonist in the face of a fanciful setting.

For instance our MC is a gay man. He knows it. A home visit has a couple of concerns, he doesn't want to be set up for marriage with a woman, he needs some gv videos downloaded since there isn't wifi, he took his toys and lube just in case someone stopped by his place while he was away and save himself embarassment.

Meanwhile, he is simulataneously thinking, there is something weird about my hometown, I... more>> can't get there unless my parents pick me up and the way home is always different.

There's a bit of smut and a bit of humor. It's a quick read and it's fun being just as in the dark as the MC and having the world revealed to us as it is revealed to him. <<less
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MagBlueRoses rated it
October 12, 2020
Status: Completed
This was utterly ridiculou, abrupt, random af, confusing and sooooo crazy!

The entire time I was reading it, I was unsure whether I was supposed to laugh or cry... but if you want something questionable and smutty to read with no logic, then please go ahead and give it a try XD

Despite how confused I was, I did wish there were a few more chapters to build a proper story.
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Mianna rated it
November 9, 2021
Status: Completed
This is a nice, ridiculous, and short read if you’re looking for something to pass the time.
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CoffeeForMyLazySelf rated it
June 11, 2021
Status: --
For me, the plot is pretty good. Originally, I read this novel for the smut but ended up reading a story with plot.

I just find the plot kinda boring since i've read many novels with the same concept but its still a pretty good read.

The smut scenes which I originally came for are actually pretty boring (atleast for me).

All in all, I give this a 3.5/5
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Rutabaga rated it
March 12, 2021
Status: Completed
Quite nice, though it's really short and so a lot of things aren't explained. The smut is hot? I think?
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aml.1908 rated it
August 26, 2020
Status: Completed
Complety bonkers short

Also kinda confusing but its a short

The romance is a little bit r*pey but its smutty and kinda cute.
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Zhenmi0997 rated it
July 27, 2023
Status: Completed
I was reading it with schadenfreude, at the same time I felt bad for him, when he was 'captured' and tossed into the water without explaining anything to him.

And Bruh! That secondhand embarrassment!


I like the world setting. Sci-fi + mythical creatures. I would love it more if author wrote the story longer about that hidden organization and the mythical creatures. I love those kind of things.
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Dio85 rated it
December 26, 2021
Status: Completed
This was a short and interesting read! Very funny and unexpected! The whole premise of the plot and the interaction of the MC and ML and the other side characters were a bit over the top but flowed nicely. As you read you soon discover that not everything is what it seems and it makes it shocking and surprising and things start to slowly unravel. I enjoyed the short read, it was simple, light and funny! Thank you for the translation!
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Zelexia rated it
December 2, 2021
Status: Completed
This one was... a bit absurd, to be honest... It made for a tasty little tidbit to nibble on in between a couple longer LNs, it has just the right amount of levity and smut to satisfy my apatite without being too bulky or heavy on the palate. Short and sweet
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0blush0 rated it
December 1, 2021
Status: Completed
Short, quick read with smut. I agree with the analogy from another review of Alice in Wonderland but bringing it back with you. I found it a good read if you want something that you can finish in a day.
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loneplum rated it
November 10, 2021
Status: Completed
If you need a quick dose of smut, this is it!

A bizarre short story with a hint of sweetness all rolled into 3 chapters. The plot is a series of surprises when a seemingly normal life gets turned completely upside down. You are guaranteed to get a laugh out of the first chapter.
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Lara Night
Lara Night rated it
July 10, 2021
Status: Completed
Omg the story is short but it's funny and really satisfying.. I like the unique setting of combination of modern+science fiction+ ancient chinese? Well read it you will certainly love it 💕
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yukosumi rated it
June 27, 2021
Status: Completed
This was ahaha. I wasn't really attached to the plot or the characters at all, so it didn't really grab me for the entire time I read this. It's a good short read if you don't want to commit to a serious and/or long story.
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Kailyria20 rated it
August 30, 2020
Status: Completed
Ah, it was ok I think, a bit short and abrupt tho, it could use maybe 10 more chapters for expansion on the story imo.
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manichan76 rated it
August 19, 2020
Status: c3
Unscientific, steamy, and cute! A good read for a short story.
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