Dearest, Beloved


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Bai Xiao, Gao Ze, and Liu Hao grew up together in the “Starlight Orphanage.” Bai Xiao and Gao Ze, both orphaned, were childhood sweethearts, staying close until the day Gao Ze enlisted in the military. One day, when Bai Xiao caught a cold, she asked Liu Hao—who lived with them and was both a childhood friend and their closest companion—to help her buy medicine.

Under Liu Hao’s humorous and thoughtful care, Bai Xiao couldn’t resist the emptiness in her heart and gradually fell in love with him. At this point, Liu Hao also admitted that he had liked Bai Xiao since they were kids, but because the quiet and reserved Gao Ze confessed his feelings first, Liu Hao suppressed his budding emotions.

The two quickly got together, but they agreed to wait until Gao Ze finished his service before telling him about the breakup. However, even after Gao Ze returned from the military, Bai Xiao couldn’t bring herself to tell him the truth. When she finally mustered the courage to confess, Gao Ze revealed that he had known all along!

Bai Xiao was overwhelmed with guilt and gratitude, but at this moment, Liu Hao received his own draft orders… Bai Xiao couldn’t bring herself to break up with Gao Ze after all…

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