Cultivation: Starting as a Cook at the Forge


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A lowly outer disciple, busy running errands and earning spirit stones, is assigned to work with a beautiful fairy on a task. He’s timid, afraid of death, unambitious, and only cares about spirit stones. The fairy constantly complains and dislikes him. However, when he gets serious, the fairy is in for a big surprise—she never expected this seemingly weak disciple to be a hidden expert!

The story focuses on an underdog rising to greatness, being humble and low-key while concealing his true power. He has an uncanny ability for predictions, and the tale blends celestial warfare with a mix of science and weapon refinement. The protagonist is straightforward in love and eventually inherits a small sect, building his influence and power.

The beginning is slow to heat up, but the best parts of the plot unfold in the later stages. Patience is required as the story picks up pace!

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