[Crime Investigation] 13th Case


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Ten years ago, a major criminal case occurred at Jiangzhou Fourth High School.

One teacher died, one senior student went missing, and over a dozen students were sent to juvenile detention.

The principal of Jiangzhou Fourth High School resigned in disgrace.

Ten years later, a case of someone jumping from a building took place at an unfinished construction site.

There were no signs of a second person at the scene, no signs of struggle from the deceased, and no traces of substances like ether in the body. The police initially concluded that the death was an accidental fall.

It wasn’t until a newly transferred young officer from the criminal investigation team of the Jiangzhou branch was investigating the social connections of the deceased that something was discovered…

The people connected to the deceased were not only linked to Jiangzhou Fourth High School, but had all mysteriously died over the past ten years due to various “accidents.”

The deceased was the twelfth.

During the investigation of this case, a thirteenth person also died in an “accident.”

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