Creating Urban Legends In Japan


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After transmigrating to a parallel world, Kambara Shinji obtained a notebook that was known as “Real Records of Urban Legends”.

Any urban legends that were written on the notebook would form and become real in the real world, and in this parallel world, many urban legends from Kambara Shinji’s past life didn’t exist.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Related Series
My House of Horrors (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Majority of the novels i have read
  3. Horror/mystery
  4. No romance.
  5. pls pick up

Latest Release

Date Group Release
07/27/24 r18novelstranslation c14 part2
07/20/24 r18novelstranslation c14 part1
07/13/24 r18novelstranslation c13
07/13/24 r18novelstranslation c12
07/13/24 r18novelstranslation c11
07/13/24 r18novelstranslation c10
07/13/24 r18novelstranslation c9
07/13/24 r18novelstranslation c8
07/14/24 r18novelstranslation c7
07/14/24 r18novelstranslation c6
07/14/24 r18novelstranslation c5
07/14/24 r18novelstranslation c4
07/14/24 r18novelstranslation c3
07/14/24 r18novelstranslation c2
07/13/24 r18novelstranslation c1
3 Reviews

Jan 22, 2022
Status: Completed
Quite good. I enjoy the plot and I like MC's character design. I like how MC interacted with his Ghostly companions. Though the ending is an open one, at most, worse it can be called a rushed one. I honestly want more of this novel.

The downside, I don't like how the author forcibly makes some girls chased the MC, it feels quite cheap. Even if the MC ended up rejecting them all, and he has no CP till the end, for me, the scenes where those girls are chasing the... more>> MC are annoying and unnecessary, and I just want to read about the plot. Though to be honest, this kind of scenario is very common in male protagonist perspective manga/novel with pseudo harem style, so, well, it may actually just a bothersome for me personally. <<less
5 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Aug 17, 2021
Status: --
Start of the novel is promising and quite intriguing. Though it's too early to judge, I look forward to the novel.
2 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Apr 20, 2023
Status: c225
Okay, it's good the background and such. But I want to complain about the MC, it's about his extremely lax attention of his situation. I had a few guess about it

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in the story MC is able to exchange his points for his life, so theoretically he's immortal as long as he has those Points


so it might be changing his train of thought, for example.

  1. one of his enemies takes form of a cupid, the cupid shot his arrow to mc's heart. Of course he saw it coming, afterall it's an arrow not a bullet. But yeah he just stood there stoopidly. Watching the arrow hit his heart and let the cupid slip away laughing at him. He didn't even has an ounce of caring what would that arrow do to his body
  2. second example, one day one sh*t of a cat with his cute eyes and white fluffy fur came to him. He knew it wasn't a real cat. He's making a guess that it might be human get cursed by being a cat. And the shitty part is, he let that cat sleep with him in the same room. Dude c'mon what if he wanted to transfer his curse to you??
he didn't even let the government let them install a surveillance camera in his room bruh. He's somewhat in a dangerous situation and government came to help him. And to help him they needed to install a surveillance camera in his house to prevent any leakage of information from happening. One place that extremely secret is his bedroom <<less
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