Counterattacking the Submissive Role!


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Jun Ye travels through worlds for unexplained reasons and is always cast in subservient roles. Unfortunately, that wasn’t his style. Let the counterattack commence!

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6 Reviews sorted by

July 13, 2023
Status: c14
It would be entertaining but I really hate that weird BL mindset of it being degrading being the bottom and the top being insulted by the very thought.

The entire premise of this novel is "The gong is insulted because someone wants to top him therefore he forcefully tops them instead, whether they're willing or not and eventually they accept their position as the subservient bottom and HE"

It's so hypocritical and demeaning.
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Aconite13 rated it
February 11, 2024
Status: c67
I disagree with Alexania's review, the top isn't insulted by the idea he will be a bottom, he just isn't one. As there are alien races and genders involved, the shame on his partner's side is usually linked to those concepts (like a male zerg bottoming to him, who is a 'female' zerg is unthinkable), it's not related to our human impressions of what it means to top/bottom. The MC is an exclusive top who has no interest in bottoming though, so why should he? Is he supposed to let... more>> himself be r*ped just because zerg society says so? While he refuses to be the receptive partner, he never expresses that it's because bottoming is insulting (in fact he lets everyone think he IS the bottom, so if it were just about 'insult' that wouldn't be happening), it's just not something he wants to do.

As a top I was really excited for this one, since protagonist tops are super rare, and I'm scarred from all the BL stories that force tops to bottom... 😅 so a story that respects a top's identity/preferences was actually really cathartic in the beginning! It lost a star from me instantly though when in the first arc

the MC got pregnant.

Feels like it defeats the entire setup of the story, and a hard squick for me, but to each their own I guess!

So far I've liked the first arc the least, and the second and third the most (mermaids and mind-melding, fun!). But it sucks that for a story all about s*x, it cuts all of the s*x scenes out! Many of the most important parts of the relationships are hidden behind fades to black or confusing metaphor, so it just makes for a mess of a story that can be hard to follow right when you're most intrigued. I do enjoy the premise and world building though, so I'm still reading for now! <<less
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Morpheus36 rated it
January 12, 2022
Status: c78
Edited :I reached ch 78 and got bored. The story each time he enters a new world is the same with them finding each other and MC topping the ml. They still hadn't gotten to why this is happening to the MC.

original: As of now I think the story is promising. I read it with machine translation and you were able to understand it well. As of ch 27 the first life was complete as a Zerg and had a HE. It was cute and was a daily life type... more>> story. I really like the concept of the MC being initially a bottom but fighting that role and instead being a seme since we don't have many stories with that role. I wish it was spicier and more detailed on their relationship but I'm looking forward to the rest of the story. <<less
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L_ose rated it
May 18, 2024
Status: c56
Yo I'm a simpleton so all in all, I simply just like the ML/s. With special emphasize to Colonel (Second Arc).

And with all honesty, I did kinda skipped the first arc. Did read some chaps but eventually skipped, for a simple reason, I cant f'ng imagine Zerg genres. I don't get it. Just wtf, they are insects? How does their g**itals look like? Their legs? Although I have an idea of how not so severely-insected (aware that isn't even a word) they are, I still couldn't enjoy it. Before I skipped, I did skim until MC got



And woosh, I skipped.

Thanks to the translator ^^ as always. Appreciated the hard work.
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Nyurr rated it
September 14, 2024
Status: c63
The premise is interesting, but there was no character development after the first arc. Somehow turned into a smut story despite being super vague. Not smutty enough for smut and not enough character development or plot to keep reading for the story.
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March 16, 2024
Status: Completed
Edit: I forgot to add a note, I'd give this a 3.5-4/5 overall!

Heya! I'm the translator for this novel, and I wanted to finish it before giving my impression of it as I was discovering it as I was translating!

... more>> So, I'm gonna start of by saying that the first part of my review is going to be "general" without spoilers, while I put examples of what I mean in the spoiler tag below!

I was really looking forward to the story with it premise but I was worried about one thing that seems to be prevalent with novels that have a "misunderstanding"... you guessed it, it's non-con/r*pe. I HATE, HATE, HATE tropes like that, especially if it's later glossed over or if the victim just... accepts it with no repercussion. I'll take about this more in details in the spoilers. Overall I'd say it's not as bad as some other novels, but it did leave a sour taste in my mouth especially because it's also tied to another problem for me with this novel: THE LACK OF COMMUNICATION!!

I'm not going to lie, I do find SOME situations that arise because of a lack of communication funny, but I feel like there's a lot of scenes in this novel where both sides don't share their thoughts/feelings (especially Jun Ye since he's the silent, cool type of MC) and it's sometimes just sad because... just talk!!! I swear it's gonna be fine!! Both sides assume things when they should just communicate!! It's fine when it's s*upid things, but sometimes they're pretty major things imo but none of them seems to think about it too deeply so it just gets glossed over??

Overall the novel is nice, it's kinda a cute slice of life? In the three first arcs, the system doesn't even play any role at all so it's not like the MC has a specific mission to accomplish, but I liked it anyways! There's a lot of kinda "spicy" scenes that are not described EXPLICITLY but you don't have to be a genius to understand what's going on. Whether the MC or ML, they're very... active in the bedroom, to the point where they're embarrassing lol

I talked about MC being a kinda cold and silent type, he's def a bit sadistic and the ML usually is definitely silly in all arcs (sometimes bratty). He does keep some characteristic in the worlds and I think that's cute.

Okay so now I'm going to go deeper into spoilers!


The first arc was loooong! Jun Ye was a military female Zerg and our ML was a male zerg. Jun Ye saved him when he was young and he directly fell in love with him and wanted to marry him. So he kinda pursued him for years lol ML was definitely the brattiest in this arc!! But that's normal in my opinion since he was the youngest of a rich family and a male zerg which is like a precious thing in that world. Jun Ye also def spoiled him and indulged him so it contributed!

The ML was pretty hurt when he was made to bottom because he thought that Jun Ye saw him as less than worth it/doubted his abilities as a male Zerg/didn't love him, and that made me pretty bitter because he loved Jun Ye so much I think he would have never refused to try out bottoming if he knew from the start Jun Ye loved him back and just wasn't comfortable being a bottom despite being a "female zerg". But oh well, like I said, no communication at all!

I don't really understand the mechanics of this world because despite not bottoming, Jun Ye does end up pregnant with twins (and that caused yet another problem due to the lack of communication cuz ML thought Jun Ye was cheating... sigh, but like I said, ML had no more "distrust" or lack of confidence when Jun Ye FINALLY confessed and told him he loved him) and talking about the babies, they were born from an egg and I wish we got more scenes with them, they were cute brats lol!! this arc ends up with them growing old together!!

I was pretty happy with the second arc because it involved mermaids!! So Jun Ye was a mermaid and he got with a general that's deadly afraid of water lol that's later on going to become a reccuring trait in our MLs!! Another way Jun Ye recognized them... was from the feeling of their... butts which was definitely something lol So this arc was shorter but cute, like I said it was mainly slice of life moments of their married life basically!!

The third arc was MY FAVORITE mostly because the ML's setting in here was *chef kiss* Jun Ye is a deathly sickly guide and our ML in here is this big, buff, powerful gentle giant type of sentinel that is ready to do anything to make MC happy. It was once again a short arc but I really loved it. Once again I wished they could comminucate because while it didn't cause problems, our poor ML thought he had manipulated MC into topping because of his health.... but Jun Ye literally likes it that way?? And I was kinda sad it ended abruptly.

4th arc was an omegaverse one! And I think the author def had a thing for omegaverse/zergs because those were the longest ones and they're pretty similar lmao so this arc started up interesting because Jun Ye basically got so many "bad grades" on his previous worlds (you know... by being a top while he was supposed to be the ultimate bottom), he got assigned a "newbie tutorial". I thought it added a lot of funny things to this arc cuz you'd get the system deducting his points when he's "mean" to the ML lol also the ML was pretty funny because he first came to the blind date wanting to "sabotage it" but then he got so whipped/in love with Jun Ye that he ended up asking him in marriage... love fool!

And while we got a bit of a "hint" that ML starts remembering in the previous arc, in this one he literally gets "flashbacks" of different "selves" that are him and that are all being held by Jun Ye.

I also think that the system that starts playing a role in arc 4 and up is pretty funny. It aims to make Jun Ye the perfect bottom but... obviously he's not. He gets points missions deduced and it even goes to the negative, but for some reason the ML's love meter/affection points go off charts with how much he loves Jun Ye, so the system hides those from Jun Ye lol!


Overall I'd say that it's definitely a fun read! I had my share of giggles and squeals while reading this and while I wish it did delve deeper into some plot points instead of just "mentionning" them and then glossing over them in some arcs, it's more geared towards our couple's love life since there isn't a "clear mission" from the start I guess! <<less
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