Cosma Empire


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Durin Kesma is the third child of the Kesma family. He has three brothers and two sisters beside two brothers and a sister. It can be said that it was one of the worst that Dulin’s family was born at least for the generation.

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The Empire of kesma
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  1. Influence Building

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Date Group Release
10/31/18 NovelFantasy c5
10/23/18 NovelFantasy c4
10/10/18 NovelFantasy c3
10/03/18 NovelFantasy c2
09/26/18 NovelFantasy c1
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gazelle rated it
October 29, 2019
Status: c755
I think its underrated. its about a farmers son who went to town to change his life. finding it hard to find work, he started cleaning car in the street for a penny. he wish to start business using carwashing as a starting point. his diligence got envy from other carwasher so he got reported to a gang because he doesnt pay protection fees. his dream to become an honest businessman become a bubble, he started working as a baggage carrier in the train, there he met a brother that... more>> changed his life. he started smuggling then become underworld leader.... cont..... you just read, its different from cultivation novel that you can find here. mostly conspiracy, gangs, politics and business. I dont find romance yet. I like this novel, I dont know why its rated 2.3 <<less
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NightCrusade rated it
August 10, 2020
Status: c1339

MC is a farmer son who suddenly gains memories from earth. He lives in an empire which just became a constitutional monarchy after a war with democratic country. (Both countries are superpower in their continent and uses warmachines powered by qi.) The MC becomes a mafia lord and uses memories from earth to earn more money by investing in stocks and technologies. With wealth, knowledge and the underworld at his hands he joins the Political arena to become the prime minister. He becomes a mayor in a run down town which he turns it into an economic zone, and then becomes a governor in a cowboy themed province. The continent they lived in are then visited by ambassadors from the mysterious east which uses qi cultivation.

The story is mostly conspiracies, politics, business and mafia. There are actions and fighting but the MC rarely or doesn't personally fight, he has subordinates which do most of the fighting for him. Only two known continents for now, the east and west because the world hasn't been explored yet. The west is divided into many countries and have guns and technology, they are in the 2nd industrial revolution while the east are still cold weapon era but is ruled by a single empire. The world has a mysterious past (used to be fantasy world with dragons but an apocalyptic event happened and some people reported sightings of a ufo?) also the world has qi that they mine. Qi are used in different ways, the west use qi to power their warmachines while the east for cultivation. The qi mined in the west cant be used to cultivate so they use it to power their warmachines (Some sort of mecha I think?) and their qi mines do regenerate unlike the east which are running out due to large numbers of cultivators. The story is great ? No face slapping, their is romance and a great world building but sadly currently in hiatus at 1339.

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