Contract Concubine


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One day, Yesuh, a famous assassin, receives a strange request from a suspicious man. She’s never received such a ridiculous request before, but after hearing how much the odd man was willing to pay, she decides to bite the bullet and take on the request.However, upon starting the mission, Yesuh is shocked to find out that her suspicious employer is actually–?!

Associated Names
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Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Romance (2)
  2. kr novels with manhwa adaptation
  3. < Novels with Manhwas (Tier #1)>
  4. female leads stronger than the male leads [KR/CN]
  5. Suave Korean Female Leads

Latest Release

Date Group Release
01/25/21 shinoatranslations c2
01/25/21 shinoatranslations c1
1 Review

Sep 04, 2021
Status: c2
[ Manhwa ]

... more>>

The manhwa was a masterpiece for me. The comedy was so good and the art was satisfactory. It's a great manhwa that releases every week and the plot is well thought out. The number of characters are countless and each of them have a unique personality that can make you differentiate between them. All in all, 10/10 I would definitely re-read it again next year. [ When I forget about it, haha. -_- ]


[ Novel ]

Not much to say now. Pretty good outline for the introduction but the manga is way farther ahead right now. Hope the translators pick it up again... <<less
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