Confinement by My Yandere Imouto


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I thought she was just a cute and innocent imouto.

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Latest Release

Date Group Release
08/09/17 Yuugen Translations c2 part2
08/04/17 Yuugen Translations c2 part1
08/03/17 Yuugen Translations c1 part4
08/02/17 Yuugen Translations c1 part3
08/02/17 Yuugen Translations c1 part2
08/01/17 Yuugen Translations c1 part1
07/31/17 Yuugen Translations c0
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2 Reviews sorted by

Nargol rated it
August 4, 2017
Status: c2 part1
This might have the dumbest MC I've ever encountered, and that's saying a lot.

Although the author clumsily attempts to cover his s*upid, lazily written character with emotions of worry and love for his sister, it really rings hollow. He claims to want to help her, yet refuses to acknowledge that she's obviously psychotic and is in dire need of professional help. Rather than attempt to help his sister, by indulging her psychotic actions he is encouraging her.

Open window while little sister is home->doesn't cry for help

Friend comes over and sees... more>> whats going on -> doesnt ask her to call the police

He does not attempt to get out of captivity. In fact, I'm pretty sure even if those chains come off, I'm sure this idiot author would throw out a "I can't run because I'm worried about my little sister!"

It is obvious that the author wants him to be the "tragic martyr" kind MC, but it just comes off as idiocy.

For those actually struggling with mental health issues, the way the MC looks at things is both insulting and annoying.

The only reason this got 2 stars from me is because I misclicked.

This is the first story that have made me legitimately consider whether or not being able to give minus points to a novel is neccessary.

Translation quality is decent, though. A shame it's used on this. <<less
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Zeraphin rated it
May 7, 2020
Status: c2 part2
Well, that was rather disappointing. The main character is a dumb man that didn't even flinch after, ... more>>

having s*x with someone he thought of as his blood related sister since he was a child. Granted, that it's hinted that he had a thing for her since the beginning, though.


The main heroine, Saya, is the type of yanderes character that only beginner writers tend to create. She's in my opinion, very bland and one-dimensional, but I guess Yandere novels are rare to begin with so I don't dare complaint.

All in all, it was fun reading it. It's just that the novel was perhaps dropped by the author since he probably deleted his syosetu account (it's no longer indexed by syosetu) and the last update was back in 2017 (almost 4 years holy shit). <<less
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