Come Hide in My Arms


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After the class changes, Lin Tiao ends up sitting next to the famous Jiang Yan from the top high school. Everyone knows Jiang Yan is known for being rude and treating girls badly. Lin Tiao knows this well and tries to avoid him.

But soon, rumors start saying that Jiang Yan likes her. To clear her name, Lin Tiao tries to find out who started these rumors but has no luck. Frustrated, she tells Jiang Yan, “This is unacceptable! If I catch the person spreading these rumors, I will—”

Before she can finish, Jiang Yan interrupts, “You will do what?”

Angrily, Lin Tiao replies, “I’ll make sure they are punished!”

Jiang Yan, smiling, leans in and says, “Isn’t that a bit harsh for me?”


Years later, a question on a forum asks: “What is something your partner doesn’t know about you?”

Among thousands of answers, two anonymous replies stand out:

Anonymous User: “They might not know that I was the one who posted about them liking me.”

Anonymous User: “She might not know that I knew she posted about me liking her.”

These replies quickly become popular, getting millions of likes and many comments asking for more details. A few days later, the second anonymous user updates:

Jiang Yan: “For the follow-up, yes, we are married and together.”

“If the world is too harsh, come hide in my arms.”

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