Come Back to Me, My Shadow Guardian


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This is a short story about a shadow guardian that did not want to be a shadow guardian and a prince that did not want to be a prince.

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The Prince’s Loyal Lover (1)
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5 Reviews sorted by

8oni rated it
April 16, 2021
Status: Completed
This is the translator. So this is just a short story about shadow guardian and his master (a prince). This is comedy. Don't expect anything serious from this lol.

Anyway I hope people gives this novel a chance and thank you for reading it
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Qiu Qiu Jiu Ball
Qiu Qiu Jiu Ball rated it
April 17, 2021
Status: Completed
This review is mostly affected by personal opinion so please don't take it too seriously

Currently the second shortest novel that I've ever read!!! Very very short novel about an innocent & tsundere shadow guard and witty & kind hearted prince. Because of the story's length is too short, it feels like a mini appetizer that can be gobble up in one gulp. The conclusion: it can be finished in the little time between classes.

It's a very very short so it's all about the two main characters only, but it's kinda... more>> heart warming how the prince is so considerate to the well being of his shadow guard but the shadow guard misunderstood and always being kinda angry to the prince. <<less
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dday0425 rated it
January 9, 2022
Status: c1-c3

First of all, this is not my favorite kind of narration. The story itself has nothing to complain about, as well as nothing memorable. Everything is just so plain and ordinary. I see no spark between the CP, nor are any of the characters attractive. But the good thing is that it's really easy to read, and the translator did a good job with the explanations.

Overall, I think it's an okay story for a one-time read to pass the time.
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Fisukisuki rated it
July 6, 2021
Status: Completed
Seriously the Best thing Ever!!!

Better than expected based on summary alone. The title is not exactly right and wrong at the same time.

Seriously, this is truly Great Novel and Absolutely Epic and Wonderful! Great Characters, Great Fun Dynamic between the Shadow Guard and the Prince, Great Story Flows and Great Ending! Yes, I Adore, Enjoyed, and Love this Novel!
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Mi-yu rated it
July 1, 2021
Status: --

Short stories in BL feel like they have more quality than longer stories, this one especially, like the few that I have, is just as wonderful! The dynamic between the two is so funny and cute, it gives me diabetes! Really wished the kiss scene was explained in detail though! Overall, 10/10!
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