Clean Again Today


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The baby boss of the cleaning company Sseuk-Ssak-Sseuk-Ssak, Park Ha-yan.

Barely escaping from a horde of orcs and awakened with a stroke of luck!

But her rank is… quite low. F-rank.

And all her skills are just support type.


Ha-yan never gets frustrated and dances with joy and cheers.

Combat hunters either raid dungeons or hunt monsters that pop out.

Then what do support-type awakeners do?

The answer is simple. They do everything else.

Cleaning! Recycling! Saving humanity!

—Saving humanity?!

[ The quest has been completed. You will receive 1 elixir as a reward. ]

An elixir that can save thousands of mana addiction patients with just one bottle.

She’s only an F-rank, so why is the reward a rare item like an elixir?!


Rank 1 S-rank hunter Lee Hae-gyeom.

If he doesn’t suppress himself with a control device, ordinary people are overwhelmed by his presence.

However …

‘Why do I feel so relaxed in front of Ms Ha-yan?’

[ The S-rank bus for Ha-yan is ready. ]

Ha-yan and Hae-gyeom’s project to save humanity begins.

Associated Names
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오늘도 깨끗하게
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  2. havent/barely read but interested

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Yoshirokenta24 rated it
January 16, 2025
Status: c5 part4
The world building interests me and it is quite good so far. I don't know, maybe for some it is quiet not their tea because the love interest is already showing up at the early chapters, you know this may turn into a pure romance with cringey something something heh. Anyway, I like the quest like fantasy happening so far with the system favoring support awakeners.
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