Class Transferred and Immediately Banished!? Creating a Lovey-Dovey Harem with the Busty Beautiful Girl Who Secretly Loved Me


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Ordinary high school boy, Yuya Kisaragi.

One winter morning, while attending class as usual, the entire class is suddenly transferred from their classroom to a castle in another world.

Moreover, Yuya is made an example of and is the only one who can’t return to his world.

As he is cast out of the castle and falls into despair, the one who saves him is…

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クラス転移したのにいきなり追放!? ~実は両想いだった巨乳美少女とイチャラブハーレムを作ります~
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kenjitamurako rated it
September 2, 2024
Status: c94
Decent mix of otherworld adventure and p*rnographic elements.

The country that summoned the main character picked him at random to set an example by making it so that he couldn't return to his original world and abandoned him. Then, a "plain" looking girl was found to have a skill that couldn't be deciphered so they kicked her out as well and she went after the MC. The plain girl, Mizuki, is actually intentionally lowering their own appearance and has been in love with the MC for years.

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The MC's ability is gluttony which allows him to obtain the ability of whatever he eats. It has the side effect of healing his wounds, increasing his stats, and making him h**ny. The first thing he eats is a slime which allows him to freely change his body into a slime and absorb corpses and excrement.

Mizuki's ability requires having s*x with the person they love to unlock and become decipherable. When it's unlocked it's found that Mizuki multiplies the power of herself and her lovers the more they love each other. She develops bis*xual tendencies so she's boosting the MC as well as his harem. This multiplier multiplies their stats and adds additional effects to their skills.

Mizuki is really the gatekeeper and manager of his harem. Her ability also allows her to control the pregnancy outcome of their activities.

The country that summoned them is in a dystopian decline due to the ruling of the incompetent tyrannical king. The MC's class was summoned to be used as throw away soldiers to invade the thriving neighboring country and claim their resources.

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