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Jaemin went for an interview after hearing about a cleaning part-time job at the dentist’s office. The doctor he met there, Lee Hyun, was extremely neat.

“Are you an omega?”

Why is he asking if I’m an omega?

Jaemin, who is not good at his job and lacks awareness, but is kind, becomes a cleaner on the day of the interview. The next day when Jaemin goes to the dentist’s office, he stutters at the cold tone of Lee Hyun, which is different from yesterday.

“I’m a cleaner… part-time job. Temporary work. Three hours a day, twenty thousand won per hour.”

“I told you this morning. The newly hired cleaning part-timer is so cute.”

“Oh. Cleaning.”

The only difference in appearance is the presence or absence of glasses between the twin brothers Lee Hyun and Lee Chan. Jaemin, unaware that he has fallen into their trap, works diligently, but soon realizes that something is wrong.

“I want to go home. Please let me go.”

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blythe_ rated it
July 22, 2024
Status: Completed
The author did a good job in writing the story. I love the writing and how the author desribe the situation.

As you can see, there are 2 ML and both of them are such a psycho and crazy but once you know his background, you'll understand how their mind think. The MC action is also pretty realistic considering the situation in it.

While I don't love the beginning story that much, I like the later chapter plus the side story and how the story end. The start is very rocky, but... more>> the relationship ended up working in the end.

Story spoiler here

  • ML basically sedate and kidnapped MC. They want to turn him from Beta into Omega. The process is brutal. MC is chained, given medicine, and all that stuff for months.
  • The ML goal is actually simple, have a person that's only their. Love and own by them only. That's why they went to such lenght in turning MC.
  • MC is physically and mentally tired with his situation. He tried to escape multiple times and even started hallucinating.
  • MC managed to escape one but ended up going back to the ML side cause the outside world is scarier for the MC than ML.
  • So the ML are actually caring toward MC but they're extremely possessive and brutal so MC became cautious toward them.
  • MC has a Stockholm syndrone and started to care and love the ML toward the ending. The ML also starting to trust that the MC won't leave. They still chain MC when both of them at work. They also goes outside to give MC a "normal" dating experience.
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