Circumstances of a Villainess from the Outskirts


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“A marriage proposal has arrived for you.”

Lyra Norris – the troublemaker of the Norris barony. For her, persecution and ostracism were daily companions. Then one day, a ray of hope descended.

To build an ordinary family, to love ordinarily.

But life had never flowed according to her will.

“You needn’t worry about her v*rginity. This child knows nothing of men.”

Her stepmother’s praise came with an unfamiliar face, while calculating eyes examined her like merchandise. That day, Lyra discovered why she was being sold as a bride.

“I have to… run away.”

For the first and last time, Lyra resolved to defy her parents.

Then, like salvation, a man appeared.

“Do you have somewhere to go?”


“Then let’s make a deal.”

“A deal…?”

“Don’t you want to start a new life? I’ll give you that chance.”

An irresistible sweet temptation.

“What do you say? Why not become a villainess for me?”

And so began a fate that seemed like a game.

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