Cinderella is… the Male Lead?


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She transmigrated as a character somewhere…
But of all people, it had to be the ‘evil stepsister’ Rona, who had tried to swindle Cinderella and would eventually meet a gruesome end at Cinderella’s hands.

The thing is, Cinderella would soon awaken as a mage. Before Cinderella could exact bloody revenge, Rona resolved to somehow change her doomed ending.

“Cinderella, why don’t you take it easy with work?”
“Ahh… okay! I’ll work even harder, Sister.” (Unnie)

Despite Rona’s attempts to help the mistreated Cinderella in her own way…
All she receives in return are cold glares.
Nevertheless, Rona tries her best to become closer to the Cinderella who keeps pushing her away.

But then…

“This place is really plump, hm? Makes me want to suck it.”
“Hngh, ah…”
“What should I do with you being so sensitive, my dear sister?” (Noonim)

Somehow, Rona has become a bit too close to Cinderella?

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신데렐라가 남주라니
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