Churu for the Angry Guide


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Just six months since manifesting as a Guide.

On the day of being expelled from his eleventh guild.

They encountered Baekya Guild, ranked #1 in Korea.

Exhausted from hunger and blinded by the sight of Churu, while still in cat form.

“If you keep snarling, you won’t get this.”


It was Kang Geonho, a cat-obsessed fool, who lured him with Churu.

“You’re not a therianthrope, right? If you are, confess it now.”

Ha Seojun, the secretive youngest member who only acts nice in front of the seniors – you can’t tell if he’s kind or cunning.

“If you want something, you better behave.”

“Hey, get away, you’re shedding everywhere.”

And finally, the leader, Kang Taebeom.

“Are you certain you’re not a therianthrope?”

If they find out about being a therianthrope, it’s all over!

He tried to escape, but… does life ever go as planned?

Well, whatever – he decided to eat the Churu in front of them first.

Not knowing what the future held.

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화난 가이드에겐 츄르를
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New halbstunde rated it
January 22, 2025
Status: c89
Quick review:

Pace of novel can be inconsistent, first 89 chapters are pretty slow.

I dropped it due to personal preference. I wanted more animal tranformation scenes and I did not like the ML interactions.

Big warning: If you are easily frustrated by cats you will not like this novel. Just don't bother, you don't need to give it a try, you won't like it. I have no doubt in my mind that the author has a cat, the fact that the MC is a cat is 100% reflected in his thoughts and... more>> actions. If he never transformed into a cat you'd still know he was a cat just based on how he acts.

Long Review:

I really like cats so I liked the MC a lot. The author did an excellent job making a person with the personality of a cat. Imagine yourself trying to adopt a cat that's lived on the street it's whole life. The cat has never learned to interact properly with people so he can seem aggressive at times, skittish at sudden movements or sounds, very interested in all food. You can love the cat dearly and be only gentle with it but you can't erase it's life it lived outside. You may think you have developed trust between you and the dtray cat and then all of a sudden it swipes its claws at you. If you think about the MC as a stray cat then I think it will make this story more enjoyable for you, his behavior will be similar to a stray cat you're trying bring home.

MC is extremely proud and I think that aspect can cause people to drop this. It can be very frustrating to have a proud MC because their pride forces them to avoid the easiest solutions in favor of maintaining their image.

The pacing of the novel is really slow and sometimes frustrating. I was binge reading so it didn't seem too tedious but looking back at the amount I read, not a lot happens. A lot of comments on ridi were about this as well. The comments on ridi say that the pacing picks up extremely fast right after I dropped so you may want to stick around for that.

I do like how the MC's behaviors and thoughts closely resemble a cat, and keeping that in mind when reading makes the MC more understandable. Character growth is there and while I was reading it felt like it was paced well but looking back at the actual timeline of events it was a very quick change for the MC. By chapter 89 it's only been a little more than a month since all the characters met each other.

There is an interesting sub plot going on in the background involving all the therianthropes but I dropped before that plot was fully developed.

I did like how the author described the guiding. There's also an okay amount of scenes with Hunters fighting monsters from the gate. Sometimes that can take a backseat in novels like this, but it is definitely a part of this novel. I wouldn't say it's the main focus however.

Overall the writing is good and the plot was interesting.

Main reasons I dropped:

Animal transformation: the main issue comes from how they view the animal body. It's considered private and one only reveals it when their unwell. Not my favorite way to handle the trope.

Barely any after the beginning of the story. I was mainly here for that and I felt like a lot of issues could have been resolved if the MC had just turned into a cat. After MC is discovered as a therianthrope he doesn't transform in a way that affects the plot again. I think out of the 89 chapters I read he transformed twice? Just for a short period of time when he was sick. Beyond that its just ears and tails popping out, even for other characters.


Small spoiler:

MC's main issue is he doesn't like physical contact while guiding or physical contact in general. However he had way less aversion to touch as a cat and was used to interacting with 3/4 espers as a cat. So why not just guide them as a cat? Its implied he was guiding one of them unconsciously while he was a cat so it was definitely possible.


Medium Spoiler:

MC gets turned on when guiding someone with high compatibility and is embarrassed by this. If he just guided them as a cat it seems like it would be way less embarrassing. At that point in the story they all lived with him as a cat for 2 weeks, anything he could be embarassed about has already happened.


Bigger spoiler:

At one point MC is pinned down and unable to escape an unconscious esper. Esper thinks initially he is his cat (He IS his cat but was not cat shaped at the time), and eventually it turns into the SA trope guide novels are known for. RIP. But if he just became a cat it would have been totally fine. At that point in the story the MC had spent the night as a cat with this exact esper more than 10 times, what is the big deal.


Relationships with all the espers.

What is good is that no one is constantly trying to sexually assault the guide, there's not really even any pressure to hold hands. Could change later in the novel though. There is still definitely the trope of "our matching rates are so high we can't resist one another!"

What I did not like was how it felt like

it was a harem novel. I don't know who the guide ends up with at the end. Not sure how if it ends with him choosing one esper or dating them all. He starts to have ambiguous contact with all of them and my personal preference is 1v1. Not a big fan of a harem, I prefer no one getting led on.

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