Chronicles of the Modern Empress Dowager


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Li Wei became a widow at the early age of 20 and ascended the throne to become the Empress Dowager.

However, she had yet to fully settle on her throne before the prince regent sought to usurp the throne, and overthrow her.

The coup works and she dies. However, she is able to open her eyes again, but this time, the empress finds herself in a strange time. Empress Li, welcome to the year 1990!

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Recommendation Lists
  1. From ancient times to the future
  2. Reincarnation / travel to the distant future
  3. To the not too distant past
  4. Went back into the 50's-60's-70's-80's-90's
  5. Novel 3

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2 Reviews sorted by

wereturtle rated it
May 21, 2021
Status: c665
I actually quite liked it. Pretty standard webnovel but

the hundred+ chapters where they transmigrated / time-traveled back reeaaallly dragged -- I ended up skipping a lot of it.


It also ended quite abruptly.
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CasBrin rated it
November 4, 2021
Status: c16
So the MC is very dense, naive and her actions are pretty s*upid. My guess is she only survived the harem because they saw her as no threat to anyone being so dim. It's really a shame for the young Prince to be brought up by het so unprepared.

The family is patriarchal and complicated, it's incredibly slow, the MC is just stumbling and basically just an observer in life.
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