Chronicles of the Bizarre


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The whisper of the pine breeze disperses the fragrant tea smoke, while billowing white clouds cradle the serene repose of immortals.

Unbeknownst to him, Lin Jue’s dreams awaken echoes of bygone days—beneath the ancient tree at the village entrance, an elder spins mesmerizing tales. These captivating narratives of gods, ghosts, fox and mountain spirits, exist in a realm that blurs the line between reality and illusion. They are both peculiar and poetic, leaving an ineffable sense of wonder in their wake.

In the embrace of enchanting dreams, how many souls can truly grasp the gift of immortality?

In a world woven with the threads of fantastical tales and celestial beings, Lin Jue embarks on a quest for eternal life, seeking the elusive secrets of longevity.

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One entry per line
Strange Tales Book
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Date Group Release
02/05/25 BOTI Translation c46
02/05/25 BOTI Translation c45
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01/31/25 BOTI Translation c36
01/31/25 BOTI Translation c35
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01/30/25 BOTI Translation c33
01/29/25 BOTI Translation c32
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