Chosen as the New Sister-in-Law of a Villainous Family


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“Today, brother, you have to give in. Sister-in-law promised to sleep with me!”

“Anasha. Your sister-in-law is my wife. That means she will continue to sleep with me.”

As I watched my husband smiling down at his sister while she fumed, I couldn’t help but sigh.

* * *

One day, a marriage proposal came to me.

I was determined to reject it until I heard the name of the family…

The man I might marry is a supporting character in a novel who meets a tragic end.

Moreover, his young sister is the despairing and hopeless female protagonist of a dark tale.

These siblings, who are more than deserving of love, are doomed to tread a path of misery. Couldn’t I protect them a bit?

So, I decided to indulge in a little ambition, attempting things that never happened in the original story.

* * *

“Hmph, from now on, Anasha should be forbidden from coming to our floor.”

“What? What do you mean by that…?”

“Do you really not understand?”


His eyes, deep and sincere, began to stare intensely at Elena.

For the first time, the man standing at the heart of the harsh and cold North showed his emotions.

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악당 가문의 새언니로 간택당하면
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