Childhood Sustainability Report


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If there’s a person with whom you’ve spent the majority of your life, someone who knows all your embarrassing moments and understands all your preferences, and with just a single expression, you can tell exactly what they’re thinking… and they understand you just the same.

How likely is it that you’d fall in love with this person?

In reality, I can tell you with full responsibility: almost zero.

But this is a novel, so I’m going to indulge in some wishful thinking. =_=+

This novel is actually about a pair of childhood sweethearts entangled in a melodramatic and fateful relationship that spans seventeen years.

The story is definitely light-hearted, with not much dramatic tension. The main characters are just ordinary people with many flaws, and it simply narrates some small stories from their journey of growing up… I hope it doesn’t put anyone to sleep, fingers crossed ^_^

I dedicate this story to commemorate my own childhood friend, who’s both adorable and ridiculous. (I don’t have a true childhood sweetheart; I only have a ridiculous one… crying on the floor).

Oh, and by the way, San Ye, I’ve noticed you’ve been feeling a bit down lately. I hope this story cheers you up~ Hurry up and find a handsome boyfriend!

My new novel, You Are Xi Shi, has just started. Feel free to check it out when you have time~~~

Content Tags: Blossoming Youth, Childhood Sweethearts, Light-hearted

One-Line Summary: A melodramatic and fateful relationship between a pair of childhood sweethearts spanning seventeen years.

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09/04/24 Whimsical Reads c1
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