Chart Topper Queen


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Having escaped the abandoned Waste Planet and finished off the trafficker that smuggled her out, illegal galactic resident Ai Bei had to find a way to eke out a living while doging the tracker robots and register herself a valid galactic citizenship in this foreign planet.

When the Live-Streaming Transmigration Competition advertisement plastered across the gigantic screen on the skyscraper ahead fell into her vision, Ai Bei, armed with nothing save for a basic personal terminal with incomplete personal details, decided to bet her life on it. Survival of the fittest they say? Well, she lived and breathed that in her entire life back in the Waste Planet.

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Related Series
Show Off Once in Every World (1)
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Smart women dominates the script
  2. Short the shortest short
  3. Might read? for me tho
  4. BJs / Streamers / Broadcasters part 1

Latest Release

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lerrein rated it
March 24, 2022
Status: c42
I couldn't wait for fan-translation, so I started MTLing it, because I loved author's another work, but I think I'll pause for now and wait for normal translation... There's a lot of things going on in the plot, and it's obvious that author uses foreshadowing a lot, but because of quality of MTL translation I can't keep up with the plot.

The first 'prison' arc is the worst, I was really debating whether or not I should drop it on chapter 6. But if you'll brave through it, the next two... more>> arcs are not bad.

But maybe because I just finished the 'Show Off Once in Every World' and loved it very much, this novel didn't quite hit it for me.

Maybe I will understand more reading fan-translation, and would feel more interest towards the story, but temporarily it's in my paused list. <<less
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