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Once, Charlotte and Leo had shared a deep bond as lovers, but their relationship was severed by Charlotte’s betrayal. Years passed, Leo returned from the war, now blind, and under the king’s orders, he is now bound to marry Charlotte.

“To see me in this condition must stir old emotions within you.”

As the silence stretched, Leo broke it with a tone laced with sarcasm.

His words seemed not only aimed at Charlotte but also at himself, and the bitterness in his voice left Charlotte no choice but to force a response.

………..It’s been a while.”

She wanted to call him Leo, but the word was lodged in her throat, too painful to utter.

Charlotte buried her trembling lips in her hands, trying to stifle the emotions that threatened to overwhelm her.

As their unstable marriage continues, Leo begins to uncover the hidden truths that Charlotte has long kept concealed.

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Latest Release

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