Can’t Save the World by Pretending to be Dead


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Lian Xi was born with yin-yang eyes. Since he was a child, from day to night, he would be begged by ghosts to do things for them.

Helping ghosts fulfill their long cherished wishes would result in a reward. However, prior to finishing the task, no one would know if the reward would result in a blessing or a curse.

Once Lian Xi completes helping a ghost with something, the little ghost would start to glow with light.

If it was a gold light, that meant a blessing. If it was a red light, that meant a curse.

If it was a blessing he could win the lotto. If it was a curse he could step into dog sh*t every time he walked out of the door.

After finding bugs in his takeout for three days in a row, Lian Xi came to realize: “Only by pretending to be dead can I save my world!”

Originally he thought that he could live his life peacefully by pretending to be dead, but who knew that more and more ghosts started appearing around him. Not only them, but more and more strange people too. Until suddenly one day, a pure golden light passed by in front of him. Lian Xi’s mouth fell open, dumfounded, and then he reached out and grabbed it!

Gold Light / Lie Chen: ???

Lian Xi (*Organizing his breathing*): Hello, may I ask, do you have any long cherished wishes? A good deed results in good karma. I’m not interested in money falling from the sky, the most important thing is I’m kind and like to help people. I’m a modern-day Lei Feng and a current-day red-scarfer. I want to help you solve your heart’s problems so you can happily enter reincarnation and return to being a good person~~

At the same time, in the underworld’s Manor of Hell-

“Oh my Lord! The King of Hell has gone missing! The River of Forgetfulness has stopped flowing!”

Believing himself to be the Black Reaper, black-tongued, amnesiac King of Hell Gong x Suddenly turned into the White Reaper, cold exterior warm interior, pretending to be dead Shou.

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7 Reviews sorted by

Nana24 rated it
August 1, 2021
Status: Completed
This novel should not be yaoi, it should be shounen-ai.

There is hardly any romance, the worst thing they did was holding hands. This novel is mostly focused on them finding and capturing ghosts. They capture the ghosts for reincarnation and to be 1st in the competition. The pros are MC teaching ML morals; the most important is using your own heart to think of others, to put yourself in someone's shoes. This taught ML a lot of things.

There was a god who died 600 years ago. He causes his reincarnations to suffer heavily in every life. All of these can cause an immense impact on the soul. MC and ML reject this because Xiao Liu (the current person) is living in this life, not the god. He does not understand the meanings of their sufferings and he's already died, so he does not deserves it. He just wants to experience the glory and wealth of being a god again.

For another example; Wang Yueqing. His past reincarnation was a god. He wants ppl to think of him as his identity, instead of that god. (It's not important of your past, the most important, is that he lives this life, experiences all sorts of things. It all belongs to him. Not the god.)


The ending is kind of rush. The antagonist who hates ML only comes out at 100+ chps, and it was almost to the ending already.

MC have trauma due to the belief of causing his family' death. But, the truth was that he is not the reason, and instead, his family are expected to have more sufferings, and MC's identity prevents that.


Overall, this is a great novel, totally recommend it!
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Suisui rated it
August 3, 2021
Status: Completed
This.... I can't.

I mean, it's a great story, really. Interesting, the plot flows smoothly, though reading and trying to understand mtl definitely doesn't go as smoothly. But if you're looking for romance and a BL novel, then no. Seriously, there wasn't even a kiss. The romance was such a smaaaaall part of the story that it was almost negligent and actually almost non-existent. But if you like those kinds of stories where it's mostly about plot then this is for you.

I mean, I like those kinds of stories as well... more>> but I still find it better when there's at least some relationship development between the main characters. But oh well.

I'll give it 4 stars. The plot is well organized and there aren't any plot holes that I've noticed. The characters are very interesting and each character has their own personality, which makes the story feel alive.

Just, sigh, the lack of romance for me just makes it short of one more star, I'm sorry, I'd just like at least a few extras where we can see their life and relationship and how it progresses after the ending.

The story does feel a bit like multiple stories lined together when it comes to their ghost-solving but everything makes sense and makes the story feel a bit more realistic (if you ignore the fact it's a supernatural story). If you want to read something new and different, go for it, this story is great. If you're looking for a good bl romance then maybe looking at some other stories would be better ^^' <<less
5 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
February 17, 2022
Status: --
Its okay at first, gets dragging in the middle.

Japanese racism at its finest. The couple they sent to the underworld bothered me. I don't care that they sent them and did't fulfill their wish to let them not reincarnate so they'll be together but the author's remark regarding one party being a soldier who most likely have commited r*pe and looting as to what the japanese have done, the generalization is unpalatable. It made me instantly drop it, my interest just *poof*, anyway im just 1 of billions of people... more>> but here's my take on this, social credit -99999. Ch 66, halfway and there is still no background for the ml, reason on why MC still insist on live streaming, etc.

Good luck to the rest. <<less
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Common_people rated it
July 21, 2021
Status: c35
So far, it's good! The story is about MC who can see supernatural things and is called unlucky because his closest family all died. Because of that he also became a loner and seemed a little anti-social. He became the anchor game to support himself. The MC is cute, looks cold but nah, he like to speak and grumble in his mind. The ML looks like an ice block, cold and heartless (he don't understand human feeling). Both of them work together as a reaper and sometimes they talk on... more>> different server but still connect, lol. The story is very interesting, funny and touching, a lot of mysterious things and comedy, all my favorites are here. I'll wait patiently for the translates chapters. <<less
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Kaylee rated it
August 10, 2023
Status: Completed
The author is an expert in describing to reader what "I'm speechless or akbsjxxkjbf'' scene in her writing. And to mix and match the characteristics of all characters into such situation and condition are just a talent on its own.

There will be no romance and smut smexy times, not even a peep or b**b. Beware for reader who wants to read such scene.

Until the very end, Lian Xi is Lian Xi. I still couldnt understand his mindset but at the end he did change and for the better his world... more>> became wider.

The cases are that good, not much different with her Ghosts Know, but there is that line as guideline to deter them into black and white. The author didnot deter from making her own story with her own plot. The decision to not do the popular plot requested by the fans/readers for such and such characters are brave and rare imo. I did feel 'why you write it like that?'

The ending though..... is what making me unable to put it 5 star or in my Satisfied list. <<less
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tt2005 rated it
July 19, 2021
Status: c5
It's nice as far as I've read so far. It's only been translated to chapter 5 which is a bummer because I really like where the novel is going. It has potential. We haven't seen the ML yet but I like the flow of the novel. It doesn't feel very rushed. MC is nice. Very respectful and kind. Has a lot of trauma because of his past but at this time and age, who doesn't. I just hope the author writes it in a way where his trauma is solved... more>> logically instead of just "meet the ML and boom!" Anyway, I'm really looking forward to it. I hope someone picks it up. <<less
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Dragon_Reader rated it
September 23, 2021
Status: c54
A super hit from this author.

MTL is quite confusing so I will mostly wait for the updates.

MC is socially awkward but quite the warm-hearted person. He remembers all who have helped him and will do anything for them. On the other hand, he doesn't hold the slightest sympathy for evil.

ML is still a blank slate. He is only interested in catching ghosts and playing computer games lol. He doesn't seem to have much interest in humans or earth. He even asks MC - Is there any difference between humans and... more>> insects? However, he also likes to play small jokes on MC especially when he perceives that MC is slandering him in his mind. He also follows MC to do whatever MC wants though most of it is connected to their work of being

black and white impermanance


Overall, it's an interesting read. <<less
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