Can’t Escape from the Villainous Corporation


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The company I joined turned out to be owned by a conglomerate that appears as a villain in the story.

I want to quit, but I can’t escape because I’m mistaken for a talented individual.

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You can't escape from the villain company
빌런 기업에서 탈주할 수 없다
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  1. Hunter/Awakener/Gate/Tower - Not Read Pt. 3

Latest Release

Date Group Release
02/18/25 Dulyong Studio c34
02/17/25 Dulyong Studio c33
02/14/25 Dulyong Studio c32
02/13/25 Dulyong Studio c31
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02/11/25 Dulyong Studio c29
02/10/25 Dulyong Studio c28
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02/05/25 Dulyong Studio c25
02/04/25 Dulyong Studio c24
02/03/25 Dulyong Studio c23
01/31/25 Dulyong Studio c22
01/30/25 Dulyong Studio c21
01/29/25 Dulyong Studio c20
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