Can’t Come Back


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Duke Dean Hildayden’s wife, Berlia, had a crush on her brother-in-law—Cain Hildayden—since before she got married.

Under one roof, Berlia lives under the same surname as Cain, but as his sister-in-law.

She has lived her life trying to erase Cain from her mind.

But one day, Berlia witnessed her husband, Dean, having an affair with another woman.

After witnessing her husband’s affair, Berlia felt a sense of disappointment in her marriage.

At the same time, while her husband is away from the mansion, Cain comes to visit her room……

“……maybe you heard it wrong. It’s late, so……go back, Cain.”

She told him to go back as if nothing had happened.

It would be uncomfortable the next time she met him, but she needed to resolve the situation like this.

If she told him to go back like this, he would have no choice but to do so.

Rather than that, no matter how much he heard a moan, was it normal for him to come into his sister-in-law’s room and secretly watch her m*sturbate?

She was confused. And then, unbelievable words came out of Cain’s mouth.

“I don’t think I heard it wrong. Weren’t you excited, sister-in-law, no, Berlia?”


She couldn’t deny it. Because everything he said was true. Cain approached Berlia who was unable to answer, and whispered,

“Did you expect someone to stroke you like this?”

Cain stroked Berlia’s cheek and spoke with a seductive smile,

“How about this. During the three months without my brother, I will spend the night with you?”

Associated Names
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돌아올 수 없는
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Latest Release

Date Group Release
08/17/23 guavaread side story 3.3
08/17/23 guavaread side story 3.2
08/17/23 guavaread side story 3.1
08/17/23 guavaread side story 2.3
08/17/23 guavaread side story 2.2
08/17/23 guavaread side story 2.1
08/17/23 guavaread side story 1.3
08/11/23 guavaread side story 1.2
08/11/23 guavaread side story 1.1
08/11/23 guavaread c61
08/10/23 guavaread c60
08/10/23 guavaread c59
08/10/23 guavaread c58
08/10/23 guavaread c57
08/08/23 guavaread c56
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3 Reviews sorted by

manjitk rated it
June 12, 2022
Status: c7
A story that touches on infidelity and forbidden love between a brother and sister in law. Clear that both have lusted for each other for a long time. Love the smut.
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EchoAndromeda rated it
July 26, 2022
Status: c20
The flow is a bit confusing at times when trying to discern whose speaking it seems. I'm not sure if this is how things are written in Korean but in one sentence it seems like Berlia is speaking & in the next Cain while using "I" in the sentences.

Outside that it's been enjoyable to read. Once you do sort out whose speaking there is quite a bit of character building through their personal thoughts & actions. My heart breaks for Berlia's situation as much as it breaks for Cain's years... more>> of suffering silently under the same roof together. I do sincerely hope they are able to be together at the end. Will def be putting a pin in this to wait for chapters to binge. <<less
3 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Rachewlio rated it
August 11, 2023
Status: c56
Love their love!

The smut is pretty good, and I really love the story. Satisfied with the ending, but hope to see extra chapters.

Will be back to reread
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