Can You Save the Capture Target From the Main Character’s Clutches?


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It was a R-18, BL game that was set in a world with swords and magic. The goal was to win the Knights’ Challenge at the top of the summit, and it seems that I have transmigrated into the devilish character that only appeared to instill trauma in one of the capture targets from Jandel’s route.

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Shujinkou no Ma no Te kara Kouryaku Taishousha wo Sukuu Koto Nante Dekiru no ka?
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Latest Release

Date Group Release
09/28/20 Toffee Dragon Translates oneshot
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5 Reviews sorted by

Morpheus36 rated it
September 28, 2020
Status: c1
This story has a really interesting premise. I'm only disappointed that their isnt more because it would have been a really interesting story on how he changes the story.
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October 2, 2020
Status: Completed
Got confused at first and thought Jandel (the capture target?) and Elliott was the same person! Capture target was mentioned in the title and summary but Elliott made more appearance, wth. (And I thank the translator for translating this but I gotta point out that the translation contributed to my confusion at the beginning).

Also, as I understand it MC played the game in the character of the one he reincarnated himself to and yet there's another protagonist of the game? Ain't the playable character in games the protagonist? (°ヘ°)
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Yumeru rated it
October 3, 2020
Status: Completed
got confused too... Well our ML or main character who remembered a "past" memories about games. It was somehow same on the place that he was living. It was these memories which contains about a Bl game. There are charas who was supposed to be violated by ML on the game but the ML on his real life does not want to copy what his chara supposed to be doing based on game. In the end he decided to protect the two who he supposed to force himself on.

Looks like... more>> a prelude but well its just a oneshot. Kinda boring ?there not much excitement, translation kinda confusing too <<less
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Dovah rated it
September 19, 2021
Status: oneshot
Really love the premise & MC. This really feels like a teaser and would hav been truly awesome if someone wrote a novel out of it. The writing is good, the translation is good. I really want to see MC & Elliot get together ~sobs~ Anyone knows a novel with a similar premise & seme MC?
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SayMrrp rated it
October 2, 2020
Status: c1
It's pretty interesting for a oneshot! Kinda feels like a teaser for a bigger novel, but... RIP

Got a little confusing (maybe because I was reading it quickly), but I liked the premise. Not enough info about the characters, but the slight hints made it juicier.
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