Can I Get to the Other Side?


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There is never a shortage of tricksters in this world.

Some impersonated wealthy merchants, others pretended to be scholarly geniuses, and some masqueraded as beggars.

Yet few dared to counterfeit the Emperor.

In Xuchang, there was Emperor Xian whom Cao Cao had welcomed back, while in Jizhou, there existed another Liu Xie who bore his exact likeness.

Yuan Shao proclaimed to all under heaven that the emperor in Jizhou was genuine, whereas the one in Xuchang was a deception orchestrated by Cao Cao.

Initially, Liu Xie agreed to impersonate the emperor with the same name and appearance merely to secure sustenance amidst this chaotic era.

However, after gradually hollowing out Yuan Shao’s stronghold, he realized that his purpose for crossing over into this world shouldn’t solely revolve around finding food.

On the eve of the Battle of Guandu, Liu Xie sat firmly on Jizhou’s imperial throne, gazing down at Yuan Shao, bound tightly with hemp ropes below him.

“Throughout my life, I’ve walked on thin ice,” Liu Xie said. “Benchu, do you think we can reach the other side?”

Yuan Shao spat, “Vile traitor! You usurped what rightfully belonged to me; your end will be swift and brutal!”

Liu Xie retorted, “Benchu, you refuse even to address me as ‘Your Majesty’.”

“I deeply regret ever listening to Ju Shou’s advice,” Yuan Shao lamented, “to let you impersonate the emperor, only for you to seize my legacy.”

With a cold expression, Liu Xie waved his hand, issuing orders.

“Proclaim it forthwith: mobilize the great army, for this battle shall vanquish the treacherous Cao and capture the false emperor!”

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