Building a Kingdom in a Magical World


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Imagine waking up as the king of a country—sounds impressive, right? Well, not quite.

Here’s the deal:

• To the east, there’s a clan of dragons.

• To the west, elves.

• Up north? Ferocious, battle-hardened dwarves.

• Down south? Orcs who think reasoning is for the weak.

Basically, the kingdom is boxed in by chaos.

Oh, and it gets better: The Holy Court has its greedy eyes on his land, and the kingdom’s own mages are stirring up rebellion. Considering how the last few kings met their untimely ends, and the fact that his entire population barely hits 500, it’s no wonder our protagonist, Kangnan, is shivering in his boots.

Life’s tough, man.

Kangnan, now stuck in a magical realm, isn’t just any king—he’s the king who:

• Tames dragons with one hand and keeps unruly allies in check with the other.

• Puts a snarky system in its place.

• Reforms agriculture, pioneers infrastructure, and recruits mages to work overtime for him.

• Convinces stubborn dwarves to build his empire brick by brick.

In the end, he rises as a legendary ruler and even secures the loyalty (and heart) of the most stunning, powerful dragon in the land!

One-Line Hook:

A king’s journey from farming and infrastructure to unexpected romance with his knightly dragon companion.

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