Boyfriend in the Screen


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My phone got infected with a virus, and a chibi anime man appeared.

The chibi man claimed to be my boyfriend and insisted that I must tell him “I love you” every morning.

If I didn’t, he would cling to the business app and prevent me from clocking in.

When he got jealous, he would forcibly block male colleagues who chatted with me.

He even stole money from other people’s Alipay accounts to give to me.

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Nom de Plume
Nom de Plume rated it
August 7, 2024
Status: part6
A slightly controversial cute story. The ML invades her private and professional life, holding her phone hostage until she submits to his cuteness.

Although Chande’s spoiler is not entirely wrong:

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He initially planned to approach her irl until he eavesdrops on one of her conversations by chance. The ML himself was not actually in her phone. He adapted an existing banned virus from his family into a virtual boyfriend app. He indeed invaded her phone with a virus, but we do not know how much of that data he was able to see past their conversations and her clothing choices for the chibi character. After all, he probably could have sent the money to her directly instead of stealing it from a stranger.

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chande rated it
August 7, 2024
Status: Completed
This story was quite cute but also a bit creepy at the same time.

Possibly contained a major spoiler of the story.


ML hacked into FL's phone and pried into her personal data, such as photo, message, and even payment app. He also did many things using her phone without her consent. I'm quite surprised that ML wasn't a yandere in a real life, considering all those creepy things that he had done.

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