Bound By A Whisper


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Without realizing it, they became entangled in a Möbius strip of a predatory food chain, devouring and being devoured by each other.

From the moment Cha Gyeol first grasped Heewoo’s wrist—No, perhaps even before that, from the moment he agreed to Gwiryeon’s absurd condition, a fateful love, inescapable, might have already begun.

“Take care of my granddaughter, please.”

It was supposed to be just a job worth 30 million won. But Cha Gyeol, a loan shark, ended up with a pure, innocent little soul.

“Calling him handsome feels like an understatement—don’t you think?”

Abandoned by her parents, pretending not to see or hear things, while silently enduring her torment, Lee Heewoo, the shaman’s granddaughter, found everything anew thanks to a man who appeared like salvation.

“Why are you seeking out an old woman on the verge of death? Whatever the reason is, I have one condition.”

Knowing that once she left the mountain, she could never return, Shaman Heo Gwiryeon, crossing the line as if it were fate, entrusted Heewoo to Gyeol for her protection.

“I just need to become president next year.” A man filled with vile greed and malice, Assemblyman Im, the next presidential candidate, eyes Heewoo as a replacement for the aging Gwiryeon.

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