Boring Married Life


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Magnolia, who has been living a boring life with her husband for eight years.

Although she appears chaste on the outside, she has a secret.

It was none other than the fact that she was a writer of a 19+ love novel.

Her novel, written under her pen name, has become a huge success in secret, but if her stubborn husband Eric finds out about this, divorce papers will be filed immediately.

When her husband goes on a business trip, Magnolia’s secret free time unfolds.

That is, she eagerly reads her novel that she wrote herself!!

But she never knew.

She didn’t expect her husband to hear all this out the door…….

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Samosaaa rated it
September 23, 2024
Status: c20
It's good & definitely worth the read. Apart from the misunderstanding or maybe miscommunication between the leads, I like how the FL is living her life. Though, I feel bad for enjoying the butler's misery, I am not sorry at all.😔

I'll review again after more chapters are released. For now, I hope the translations continue.
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