Boiling Momo in Warm Water


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In her previous life, Song Yimo had been sorely burned by money. Determined to never be shackled by finances again in this lifetime, she set out to repay the countless debts of gratitude she had incurred in her past existence.

She diligently saved every penny.

Yet, whenever her savings reached a comfortable sum…

Song Yimo would secretly rejoice, envisioning herself as a landlady, her dream of owning property finally within reach. But then, someone she cared deeply about would find themselves in dire financial straits, and she would feel compelled to help.

She would start saving again, her hopes of becoming a property owner renewed, only to have someone else come to her in need. Life or death situations would arise, and she could not turn a blind eye.

She would save again. And again. And again.

In the end, her savings only allowed her to live a comfortable life, her long-held dream of being a landlady forever out of reach.


She had become a remarkably wealthy woman nonetheless, achieving success in her career, personal life, and family.

In a word, she was a winner in life.


Author’s Quote:

Time is ruthless. It turns beauty to dust, heroes into memories, and love into faded sentiments. Even lovers eventually part ways.

But time is also kind. It can deepen bonds over years, making love richer, friendship stronger, and family ties firmer.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Momo's Gradual Change
Wēn Shuǐ Zhǔ Mò Mò
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2 Reviews sorted by

RedPanda215 rated it
November 12, 2024
Status: c70
It’s a warm story overall. The synopsis is a bit misleading. Our diligent MC gets a second chance at life, and we follow along with her growth and the growth of the relationships she cherishes. The translations are also good quality, regular, and fast. Would recommend giving this novel a try.
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HalRhie rated it
November 18, 2024
Status: --
You *must* read this novel—it's a journey of resilience, selflessness, and triumph that will have you hooked from the start!

Song Yimo's story is an emotional rollercoaster.

Her repeated sacrifices don't lead her to her dream, but instead to something far greater: a life of profound success, love, and fulfillment. Song Yimo becomes a shining example of how selflessness, perseverance, and kindness can create a wealth far richer than money.

... more>> **Why this novel will captivate you:**

- **A relatable heroine:** Song Yimo's struggles, sacrifices, and quiet triumphs resonate deeply.

- **The author's poignant touch:** "Time is ruthless... but it is also kind." These words capture the essence of a tale that will make you reflect on life, love, and what truly matters.

You'll laugh, cry, and cheer for Song Yimo as she turns every setback into a step forward. This is a novel that lingers in your heart long after the final chapter. Don't miss out—this story will *change* how you see life! <<less
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