Bleach: Secret Intentions


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Xia Yan passed through to the world of Bleach and became an eleven-year-old boy. He was rescued by Renji and Rukia in the Seireitei, and he was studying at Shin’ō Academy, and he was a student of the same class.

He is a top student of the Shin’ō Academy, and he is vying for strength by various teams. In the end, he has entered the first team of secret mobile maneuvers.

He will use punishment to kill every person who tries to threaten the martyrdom and protect his loved one.

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Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Fanfiction
  2. Anime
  3. My Favorite Novels (Mixed Genres)

Latest Release

Date Group Release
11/14/19 XiaXue c223
11/14/19 XiaXue c222
11/14/19 XiaXue c221
11/13/19 XiaXue c220
11/13/19 XiaXue c219
11/12/19 XiaXue c218
11/11/19 XiaXue c217
11/10/19 XiaXue c216
11/09/19 XiaXue c215
11/08/19 XiaXue c214
11/07/19 XiaXue c213
11/06/19 XiaXue c212
11/05/19 XiaXue c211
11/04/19 XiaXue c210
11/03/19 XiaXue c209
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8 Reviews sorted by

Skoll028 rated it
February 24, 2019
Status: c100
I enjoyed this enough to actually read the mtls (shocking right?)

So, this story IS NOT a harem, it's a strictly monogamous relationship. Who the female lead is is pretty apparent.

The story begins back when Rukia and Renji are still kids in Rukongai, the year before entering Soul Society's shinigami school.

... more>> MC doesn't really get any hacks, but they do have the typical genius, weaker to stronger thing going for them, with a stroke of innovation here and there (read as applying known science to abilities).

The main character is a genius, but not to the extent that he's unheard of. Toshiro Hitsugaya is still ahead of him in that regards.

The progression moves fairly quickly early on, as it is a fanfic under 300 chapters. It's fairly well written and flows without too many outstanding logic flaws.

The story stays fairly accurate to the original flow of events until around chapter 60, then it starts to diverge in typical fanfic ways, by having the MC fix past tragedies.

All in all, a pretty good fanfic read, if you don't mind artistic licenses. <<less
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ExtremeRampage rated it
September 25, 2019
Status: c134
I enjoyed this quite a lot despite the grammar issues that come from edited Machine Translation. But I have to say, the Translator still does a lot of work and you generally understand things pretty well. After catching up with the Translations, I got hooked and continued reading the rest with pure MTL (Chrome Translate) and it was really bad. Pretty much all the names, techniques and terms get butchered and the Translator here fixed all this so kudos to XiaXue.

As for the rest, I pretty much agree with "Skoll028"... more>> review.

The action and fight scenes are pretty cool and there are many matchups you wished to see in the Original Work. Romance also plays a big role in this and there are many "fluffy" moments and I really like the choice of the Female Lead since she got a pretty bad deal in the original and deserved better.

There are a lot of characters in the original who got a tragic past or outcome and MC works hard to help them and save them which could be a negative point depending on your outlook. In other words, the MC saves a lot of people who would have died in the original without the MC's influence and help.

One negative point, in my opinion, is that the MC has practically no interactions with Kurosaki Ichigo and his friends at all and they are pushed aside as just minor extras. Here Ichigo truly is just a substitute Shinigami who just very occasionally shows up (just twice I think).

In conclusion: Definitely worth a read if you are a Bleach fan especially if you always wanted a happier outcome for everyone in the original. <<less
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trollord3000 rated it
June 8, 2019
Status: Completed
I read the whole novel in two days. Finished with the English translation then went off the mtl (comrademao). I personally thing that it was a solid 5 stars. Some things could have been done better yes, but it was still pretty damn good. The ending itself is also like the cherry on top so yeah. If you are a fan of Bleach I recommend you read this. If you are not a fan of Bleach I also recommend you read this cuz who knows, this might end up changing... more>> your thoughts about the series or help you get into it. <<less
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Mahesvara_ rated it
May 14, 2024
Status: c63
Rant! Alright I tried reading this twice and I finally got to 60s but I still can't find any reason to enjoy this sh*t so I had to drop it. 0 enjoyment for me I just force myself because the reviews really makes me curious.

Cringe overload! The conversation between characters is so f*cking awkward as if every character are INTROVERTS who doesn't know how to hold a proper conversation, every single one of them, the original bleach characters here all acts like this and it just so f*cking weird to... more>> me! Everyone is polite and everyone is humble, even the characters who supposed to be rowdy and loud characters who likes to joke around acts timid, there's no humor at all, can you even imagine this shit. Lol. MC is also a problem, he acts so much like a child, I know he's the youngest in soul society but that doesn't mean he should really act like an actual 11yo in front of people there. He's also very emotional, he get attached to almost every character he talk to whether they're original bleach characters or OC nobodies. *MC talks to somebody for the first time*

*Few moments later*

"Oh what a nice person, oh let's add him/her to my 'PEOPLE I LOVE LIST' i'll definitely protect him/her even if I endanger myself!"

This makes his feelings for people he cares about to feel so cheap because he pretty much get too attached to everyone and wants to 'protect' ALL OF THEM. He's b*tching too much about a death of a 'friend' but for me that friend is just a nobody who only had few paragraphs worth of existence. Author tried to pull the 'loss of love ones' card on a complete nobody! Whats worse, MC cries about the dude who just died but doesn't receive any change of heart or some mental strength or any kind of character growth and that dead guy was just forgotten in the story and never mentioned again, yeah so much for a 'friend' wtf. The reviews here baited me so bad, NOT RECOMMENDED unless you're fine with awkward dialogues that feels so fake and meek MC who is overly humble and always put down himself in front of others and say he's still weaker than them even when he's not. Dude doesn't know that too much humility is arrogance in itself, this MC makes me wanna beat him up but I can't 'cuz he got so much reiatsu. PS: Grammar is very painful to read. <<less
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Takumi_Aqiba rated it
January 30, 2023
Status: Completed
This one is really good. The best bleach ff I found so far.

First of all, there is no harem, only a single heroine till the end.

MC has a clear goal for his wife, so he put quite an effort to get her. Well, if you want to know the heroine, I'll tell you below:

... more>>

Soi Fon


Secondly, I like how the author makes Aizen and Urahara as genius as they are supposed to be based on how they are preparing something different from the original because of the threat of MC. This brings MC quite trouble because his plan is based on the original.

Lastly, MC is not dumb and reckless. He did the best he can do. Even prepare something if his plan failed. Also, he is not afraid of death and cares a lot about his precious people. <<less
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sheehan0915 rated it
February 18, 2019
Status: --
Typical transmigration story, weak to strong, talented, innovative (skills, dunno why he is made so close to main characters you do not usuallly meet). Read a bit ahead in raws, it has time skips and redo, since there was a mistake in the details. Overall a bit fast pace in the beginning compared to the start of god of soul system, similar to "in a different world with a naruto system" in pacing
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mrdittosupersaiyajin rated it
February 14, 2021
Status: c223
Really, really good.

Even with grammatical errors due to being an edited machine translation, this is in fact the best of my kind I've ever read.

Something that sets it apart from the vast majority of other works of the genre (real-world MC that reincarnates in a manga world) is that the MC receives no kind of system or power, becoming stronger exclusively by developing the powers available in the bleach world.

The relationship of the MC with the characters of the plot is well done, being built gradually with the various encounters... more>> and conversations between them.

The above praise is even more about the MC's loving relationship. The process of rapprochement between the two to the conquest is very pleasurable to read.

The fights are captivating and, both in them and during the training of the protagonist, it is possible to notice the author's commitment to study bleach techniques and make everything fit logically.

The last thing I would like to highlight is the preparation of this story. Nothing happens out of nowhere or no new power arises at the last minute to save the skin of the MC, everything that is used has a logic behind and previous preparation.

Even if the grammar of translation bothers you sometimes, I recommend that you insist on reading, it is worth it. <<less
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Dravde rated it
January 12, 2021
Status: Completed
This was quite an enjoyable fanfic. If you like Bleach then this is definately for you.

The translation is a bit lacking but not bad, you can enjoy the story quite well. The whole story is well integrated to the original work. The romance between MC and waifu was quite nicely done and I very much loved those interactions.
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