Black Dwarf


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Anna spent her entire life in a convent without any connections.

Once a candidate for sainthood due to her immense divine power,

She thought she would devote her life to the Goddess and live a serene life.

However, she was expelled from the church due to the conspiracies of other candidates and was left in a difficult situation, with nowhere to go.

“Still, Anna, I hope you don’t think of yourself as someone who has nowhere to go.”

Fortunately, with the help of the kind-hearted Countess of Sinoa, she was able to marry her only son.

That was what happened during the three years Anna had lost.

The people of the castle were all polite, and the villagers were simple and honest.

Her husband, who married her at his mother’s urging, was always kind to her.

Although her benefactors, the Count and Countess of Sinoa, passed away,

leaving Anna as the new Countess, and she was fine with it.

Because her life, which had been drifting aimlessly like a buoy, had finally come to an end.

‘The existence of this castle, the servants, and even the man who is my husband, are all lies.’

…You deceived me.

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justsomebread rated it
October 8, 2024
Status: c6
Promising so far. I'm curious to see where the story goes. MC is alot more likable than I expected. I though she'd be a naive, endlessly kind white lotus type. But she's pretty cautious yet proactive about her situation. She'd upset about being mislead and is angry.

Side note: very curious why the name Hester was given to a male character. The rest of the names so far have fit the Western Fantasy World trope. Hester has only ever been used as a name for a female. Notably the Scarlet Letter's... more>> MC was named Hester. I don't really think names inherently have gender or whatever, but I'm just curious where the author got the name from I guess lol. <<less
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