Between Your Letter and My Reply


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“Hello, to the soldier whose name and face I do not know.

I am pleased that our paths have crossed in this way. I am but a humble noble lady living in a beautiful countryside village. I am not anyone of great significance, so I have nothing much to offer in the way of self-introduction.”

Damian, a soldier fighting in the war, was one day pushed by his superior to find a pen pal.

All he knew about his correspondent was that she was a noblewoman named “Lintray,” a year older than him, and her home address.

For Damian, the pen pal exchange was nothing more, nothing less than a duty he had to fulfill.

“Have you considered being discharged?”

“I wish you were in a safe place.”

“Always be careful, and may the goddesses of luck and victory be with you in the new year.”

But then….

Perhaps exchanging letters wasn’t the right thing to do from the start.

After being discharged due to an accident, Damian goes to the address where he sent letters to find Lady Lintray, but he receives unexpected news.

“If the Lintray you’re talking about is the maid in that house, she’s dead.”

The house where she should have been is burned to the ground, leaving Damian with only questions about ‘Lady Lintray’….

Confused, Damian heads to the capital to find the ‘Lintray’ who exchanged letters with him.

Will Damian be able to find Lady Lintray?

Associated Names
One entry per line
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2 Reviews sorted by

New Samosaaa rated it
September 12, 2024
Status: c60
Oh I adore this novel!!

This is sooooo my kind of story & I am absolutely loving it so far, especially their letter exchange phase! It's truly beautiful how without even knowing each other personally & being so far apart, they both heal each other through letters. It's a story about how two people from two different world come across each other & change their destiny. Quite a few chapters in the starting of the novel deal with them maintaining acquaintances through letters. The ML becomes fond of FL, maybe comes... more>> to like her but due to his upbringing & past is reluctant to admit his feelings. The FL here though, has a far more surprising past then the ML can ever imagine. Though even I don't know what it is. What is even more surprising is the plot twist in this story that you'll realise only after starting the novel.

Based on the chapters that have been released so far, I would definitely recommend this story anytime, anyday!! <<less
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New valdog rated it
September 9, 2024
Status: c61
It is a sweet story about a young retired soldier who longs to meet the girl with whom he exchanged letters during his time on the war front. The story is light, incorporating elements of fantasy and slice-of-life, but it does not neglect the advancement of the plot. It continues to address the mental and physical healing of the main character while maintaining his desire to find Lady Lyntray. The translation is excellent, and the pace of the updates is on track.
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