Betrayed Red Becomes the Leader of Evil


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With the sole purpose of protecting justice and peace, He defeated the evil organization as Red of the Hero Squadron, but what he received in return was an unjust accusation and the betrayal of his comrades.

“You bastard, blinded by greed, you forgot your duty as a hero.”

“Your honor and strength are now ours, you scum.”

Do you really think your rise to S-rank and defeating the evil organization was because of your strength?

[Disabling the “Comrades’ Soul Buff” skill]

The evil organization’s movie-version boss will come for you soon enough.

Good luck handling that on your own.

As for me? I’m off to raise villains.

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Betrayed Red Becomes the Evil Leader
Red, betrayed, becomes the leader of evil
배신당한 레드는 악의 수장이 된다
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