Becoming the Delicate and Spoiled Female Side Character in a Romance Novel [80s]


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When Lu Yun woke up, she found herself transported into the body of a delicate supporting female character from the 1980s.

This character was a frail and pampered woman who couldn’t handle heavy labor, could only stomach plain steamed buns and white rice, and was destined to marry the male lead.

After facing hardship, she would inevitably leave him, ultimately becoming a contrast to the story’s heroine.

On her very first day in this new life, Lu Yun was pinned against the wall by the story’s villain.

He stared at her intensely, “Why do you refuse the Snowflake Cream I gave you? Why won’t you eat the braised pork I prepared? Do you despise me this much?”

Weak and seemingly incapable of taking care of herself, Lu Yun thought: Wuwuwu, she had finally found her meal ticket!

Author’s Note: The “meal ticket” is a playful term here, as the female lead has an independent career path.

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New Dogtor rated it
November 15, 2024
Status: Completed
It had potential but left much to be desired. I think if I did not read the MTL I would appreciate the story more. But as it is, I did not particularly enjoy it. When the translations are finished maybe I will read it again and reconsider my review.
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