Became Pregnant With the Demon King’s Child


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Lowell slowly opened his eyes.

The first thing he saw was someone’s broad chest.

Still groggy from sleep, he instinctively reached out, his hand grazing the firm surface.

Even in his hazy state, he couldn’t help but give it a few experimental squeezes before his gaze drifted up to the familiar black hair.

He gently stroked it, the way he would with a lover.

‘But there’s no way he’d have a chest like this. Besides, we’ve been broken up for ages.’

As his senses returned, Lowell glanced around, piecing together his surroundings.

Once his vision cleared, the situation began to make sense.

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New janxye rated it
February 6, 2025
Status: c25
Aaah I should have let this marinate a bit more, so far it's super goood !!!

The MC's personality is cool and ML is such a cutie. Translation is also 10/10. As of now I can really recommend reading this :)
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