Became a Tutor for a Destitute Princess


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I raised the princess, who had met a terrible end, safely to her coming of age ceremony.

Now I was going to wish her happiness and retire.

“You’re going to leave me after making me like this?”

The princess’s reaction is strange.

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피폐 공녀의 가정교사가 되었다
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Raising the Princess to Overcome Death (1)
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New Thraximus rated it
January 25, 2025
Status: c10
The low score is just because this author does something I really despise. Something a lot of kr authors do.

The first chapter (c0) starts with a part of the story thats like a couple hundred chapters after the start of the story (c1).

So you just know that there will be no relationship progress between the main characters until you finally reach the part of the story where the first chapter (c0) takes place.

Now for a bit more objective part. If what I said above doesnt bother you, the story and... more>> writing is pretty good and the story seems to be fun, and you will probably have a good time rading it. <<less
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