Be Modest, My Master of Imperial Guards


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Ten years ago, Leng Qingtang rescued Gu Yunxi, orphan of a “sinful” criminal, all by himself, in order to repay his gratitude. Unexpectedly, they were tripped by their destiny. Ten years later, Yunxi heard and believed the false accusation, and bit the hands that fed her. With just one wrong move, love extinguished, and hate appeared. It was a game of power or love. She risked her life and he bet on his love. It turned out that Gu Yunxi was a princess and Leng Qingtang wasn’t a real eunuch. People believed that she ended up in a miserable life! What do you think? Why did Leng Qingtang send Yunxi into the Palace? What was their destiny? Would the fake eunuch win the fair lady?

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March 19, 2021
Status: --
Okay so I starting reading this out of curiosity because there were no reviews and even though it says there's only chapter, 200+ have been translated (as of 19th March). What can I say? It kind of reminds me of Bloody Romance in tone - the sad, tragic feeling of knowing that the FL has no way out and will have to dance to another's tune if she wants to survive. This happens all the times in these kind of novels but it's often romanticised but here, at least in... more>> the first 9 chapters (all that I read), you see very clearly that the FL is trapped and has no power to decide anything about her own fate. And worst of all, she doesn't even understand that her choice has been stripped from her.

Who's to say how this novel would turn out in the 200+ chapters, but if you can stand a melancholic, and possibly tragic story, then go ahead?

Also, the (presumed) ML appears seriously dodgy. He flipping sits on the bed of one of the imperial concubines and it's at least implied that said imperial concubine might known/have guessed that he's not actually a eunuch.

Just seems like a tragedy to me.

...I hate tragedies. <<less
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