Basement-Dwelling Loser VTuber


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I was reincarnated as a Japanese girl.

‘I-I’m Ka-Ka-Kayano Mi-Mina. M-My hobby is, um, listening to music and playing games….’

…And I’m an introverted loser with social anxiety.

This is the story of an introverted loser with social anxiety who grows while becoming a VTuber.

Associated Names
One entry per line
A corner loner YouTuber
Basement-Dwelling Loser VTuber
방구석 찐따 버튜버
Related Series
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A Basement-Dwelling Loser, the Inquisitor (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. genderbender novels
  2. TS novels
  3. Gender Bender
  4. Yuri and Baekhap
  5. Lisst

Latest Release

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ilovelightnovels.manhwas rated it
November 27, 2024
Status: c34
The story is a gender-bender Yuri that primarily centers around the main character's Vtuber career, rather than diving deeply into any romantic plotlines just yet.

From what I've observed, Koga appears to have the best chance of becoming the love interest, as she seems to have a fondness for the MC.

However, the MC also has an intense admiration for her female senior streamer, with whom she has only had a brief interaction. This creates a rather unpredictable dynamic, making it a 50/50 situation when it comes to potential romance.

Moving on to... more>> the characters, I appreciate the main character's development. She went from having significant difficulty talking, from anxiety which caused her to stutter severely, to still finding it hard to speak but stuttering minimally when broadcasting solo. While she still stutters a lot during collaborations, that alone is an improvement. Initially, she was so anxious that she couldn't even participate in collaborations. It's genuinely heartwarming to witness her gradual progress, and I'm looking forward to the day when she can confidently talk to her classmates.

As for the plot, not much has happened; it's only been 34 chapters. Since I haven't read many VTuber web novels, it's challenging to provide a critique of the plot. In fantasy stories, there are significant battles and stakes, while romance typically focuses on the progression of relationships. So, I'm unsure what to specifically address in this area.

On a side note, the viewers' comments are very funny, and it's also amusing when the main character makes mistakes while streaming.

Overall, I would rate it 4 out of 5. <<less
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