Banished From the Herd, I Was Actually a Member of a Very Rare Species. ~With the Unique Skills That Only I Can Use, I Can Grow and Evolve Quickly. I Will Become an Unrivaled Monster~


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The Story of a Metal Slime that Rise to the Top with Growth Cheats

On the day that he was banished from the slime flock, the protagonist regains memories of when he was human. Along with these memories, he acquires a Unique Skill and quickly achieves Evolution, but then learns a shocking truth.

“Could it be that I’m a monster that gives experience points…?”

The protagonist’s species turns out to be a bonus monster with exceptional experience points. Although initially disheartened, the protagonist focuses on his outstanding defense.

“With this defense, I can safely defeat opponents of the same rank…!”

With defense capable of nullifying most attacks and unparalleled growth speed from the Unique Skill, the protagonist climbs the ecological pyramid at an extraordinary pace.

This is a story of a beast born to be hunted who repeatedly evolves to become the strongest.

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群れを追放された俺、実は激レア種族でした ~俺だけ使える【ユニークスキル】でサクサク成長・最速進化。無双の異形に至ります~
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