Ban Lu Qin Jun


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This story is about a harmonious couple, Yi Yun Zhai and Xiao Lan Xun. Their love story resembled the folktale Butterfly Lovers. Only difference is, they will have their happy ending. Or will they??

One day, Xiao Lan Xun suddenly left without bidding her farewell. Without knowing why she did that, Yi Yun Zhai is in his quest to find his true love. Three years later, after a long and painstaking quest, Yi Yun Zhai finally reunited with his love, the beautiful Xiao Lan Xun.

However, even with Xiao Lan Xun before his eyes, why couldn’t he feel the same affection he felt three years ago? Instead, an ailing man, Zuo Zhen Yu, attracts his attention more. This Zuo Zhen Yu contracted a weird disease said to be contagious. His face is damaged to the point it is more like a monster than a human face.

Yet, why couldn’t Yi Yun Zhai leave him alone??

Associated Names
One entry per line
To Get the Ideal Man
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Favorite BLs
  2. BL Novels I Have Finished Reading Part 2
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  4. Short Novels (30 chapters & below)
  5. Wonderful [Completed] Reads Pt. 2

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32 Reviews sorted by

Mikleo rated it
May 29, 2016
Status: c10
Halfway through the novel, for being so in love with another person, the Dominant Male Lead slept with prostit**es just because he's 'confused'. And now, when he finally discovered the truth that the Submissive Male Lead is the one he's looking for, he slept with More Concubines and More prostit**es. What The F**k? I don't know why this garnered so many positive ratings. I was fooled because of that. If you like a Dominant Male Lead cheating left and right, go ahead and read this shit. If you don't like... more>> that, go far away and never look back. I wish someone warned me or reviewed about this fact. So to say, I'm warning you guys now.

That reviewer who said it's not Cheating because they're not 'together' yet? Then why the hell did the ML search for that person for a long time? Wanna reverse that situation wherein your future partner (who's ALREADY interested in you) had s*x left and right because they didn't find you yet? Not a good feeling right? Lack of logic here.

I regret wasting my time reading this. Another Shitty Romance Novel. <<less
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MofuMofu rated it
September 14, 2017
Status: Completed
Already read this till the very end. To be honest, this novel is the worst.

But why, I give this novel 5 stars?? Answer : For my beloved ZZY (mc).

f*cking jerk!!! I really hate the story!!! I really hate that villains who didnt get any punishment!!!! And above all and the most I really hate is that f*cking jerk ML or that f*cking YYZ!!!! Just go die already!!!

This story kinda messed up. It is too cruel too treat you beloved one suffer already, but the most disgusting in this novel is... more>> that ML trying act like he is the most kind and benevolant person in the world!!!!

I hate this!!! Really hate this!!!! ???? For the first time in my life, I really want this story became tragedy. The MC is die or trew that shitty ML out from his life. It is better than happy end with shitty story. I am the person who love happy end the most but, meh, I hate this happy go lucky story.

I even hope the MC from quickly wear the face of devil came to this story, and make tht shitty and tr*shy ML to ground. THE MC CAN HAVE MORE ANOTHER GOOD PERSON BESIDE THAT MAN!!!!

I really feeling sick for the MC. I really love him. He even become my 10 list sexy-cute-honest guy list in my heart.

So I just vote 5 star for that MC. FOR THE LAST TIME. YYZ IS NOT DESERVE ZZY!!! ????? Sorry for this tr*shy comment. I just want to vent my anger. #Fyuuuh. Happy reading ? <<less
27 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
nixxara rated it
June 16, 2016
Status: c10
Honestly, this was so much better than Counterfeit Bride.

The story had many twists and turns but it wrapped up nicely in the end. The romance in this was great and I appreciate how the Yi Yun Zhai felt attracted to Zuo Zhen Yu despite Zhen Yu's deformed face. And not knowing that Zuo Zhen Yu was the Xiao Lan Xun from the past also shows that true love isn't based on outer appearances, but rather the beauty of a person on the inside.

Regarding the "cheating" mentioned by the user below... more>> me, actually they weren't together in the first place at that time. Having affairs with others due to confusion is a bad move, but during the chaos, who has time to think about whether or not it is right? The MC (Yi Yun Zhai) had yet to accept the reality that they, as men, were in love with each other and was using anything to cope. When Yi Yun snapped out of it and realized that he was going to love Zhen Yu no matter what, he immediately committed to Zhen Yu wholeheartedly. So *applause* for Yi Yun Zhai.

5 stars~ for the complexity of the story. <<less
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Loffy01 rated it
June 9, 2021
Status: --
To anyone reading please don't mistake the ML physical and emotional ab*se on the MC as romance. While I liked the angst and tension from the story, it's terrifying and revolting to see how the ML's actions are romanticized. It f*cks with me even more when I realize that somewhere someone is going to read this and think this type of behavior is romantic.

To anyone out there, you can read this story for entertainment or for killing your brain cells, but pleaseeeeeeeer know that ab*se =/= romance and love.

... more>>

a list of abusive things done by ML:

  1. rapes MC while he was drunk
  2. slapped MC during the before r*pe
  3. kidnaps and imprisons MC after finding out MC's identity
  4. refuses to acknowledge his ab*se/rape
  5. blames MC for sleeping with him when he was the one who initiated and r*ped the MC
  6. And other emotionally and physically shitty actions
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izayaYY rated it
June 30, 2019
Status: --
This was way to angsty and overly dramatic for me. I liked how it started out when Yun Zai felt connected to Zhen Yu despite his disfigurement. "Woah, such unique and heartfelt romance!" was what I thought. I kept reading thinking Yun Zai will fall in love with the present Zhen Yu, and put an end to poor Zhen Yu's suffering. But no.... nothing like that. Poor Zhen Yu pretty much suffers throughout the whole book, until the very last chapter! All the way, I kept wishing that the next... more>> chapter would be the last of his suffering. Midway through the book, I got tired of all the angst and drama and glossed over many paragraphs, just so I could get to the ending.

One can compare this to Counterfeit Bride because both books are about mistaken identities and androgenous men who pass themselves for women and fall for the one they are trying to fool. But there the similarity stops. Counterfeit Bride is primarily a comedy where as this one is sad and heavy on drama. Counterfeit Bride has a great ML, who reacts coherently when faced with the truth but also when realising his feelings, where as this novel's ML is in denial through and through and moreover revels in retaliation and revenge. I personally prefer Counterfeit Bride. <<less
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makenai89 rated it
April 17, 2016
Status: end
Ban Lu Qin Jun is an emotionally charged short story with dramatic twist. Although you might have predicted how the story will go, but it's still worth reading it just to feel the emotional roller coaster that the main acts had to suffer.

The only downside was....I don’t exactly like seeing such a feminine uke, but it’s not so bad. The story was narrated very well with all the nuances and feelings in the air while not written in so many words. It has nice premise, nice hooks, proper pace. I... more>> just wish we could see the OTP in a bit more chapter. <<less
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chocolatechipcookie rated it
December 29, 2018
Status: Completed


... more>>

Not really my cup of tea. I don't even remember the names of the ML and MC after a few minutes of finishing the novel.

The ML is just hateful. He's a hypocrite, abusive, and actually just really a scum overall, ML didn't get to pay (unfortunately) for the consequences for his actions towards the MC.

MC is seriously a white lotus, in a feminine way which is quite annoying, like what's the purpose of making a story BL if one just acts constantly and posseses the qualities of a female. The MC might as well be a female, but I still wouldn't like this because of the ML and because I really dislike White Lotuses.

I don't even understand how this got good ratings, The "villains" were so typical and they didn't even get to face the consequences of what they've done, Setting is also cliche in both BL and BG : Typical Rich Overbearing rich man and the fragile white lotus, Scummy ML (although I do like scum!gongs sometimes, this is one of those that I dislike), 2D characters (everyone really)

I'm pretty annoyed about how the MC doesn't have any ounce of self-respect/ dignity and he's depicted as pure and weak (hence a white lotus) although I am a bit annoyed at him, I also want him to be happy, he's just too pure for the world. ML doesn't really deserve MC, the ending would've been better if the MC ended up with another man happily, or died (so thatthe ML would really suffer, legit, was hoping MC would die), or even at least gained some self-respect for himself but NO! None of those happened unfortunately.

Reading this made me want to bash my head against the wall. Sorry for the long rant. I honestly just wish for the MC to love himself more, he's too pitiful. Ending was just unrealistic, too many plotholes. This was so annoying.

Maybe I'm just saying that I've seen better or that this novel's ML is on my list of the worst MLs I've ever read lol

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Yennn rated it
May 7, 2018
Status: c10
The story doesn't give much interest but the way the author pulled me in to the story was well-done. The author did a good job pertaining to the attitude of the characters that at the end, gave me quite a fit of frustration. Somehow the way of thinking of the characters was unrealistic but at the same time it was realistic; take the world's view on homosexuality as an example and also the greed of certain people (it had me laugh at their pettiness).

The author gave me a read (despite... more>> the overused tropes) but the novel still had room for improvements: they did not grasp well some of the situations that things were almost all over the place! Everything up to the climax had me on edge even if it was predictable, but the falling action up to the resolution had me disappointed. It felt like it was rushed and the feeling was comparable to have food shoved down to your throat. You may either push it down or throw it up; still, it is quite indigestible whether to your liking. <<less
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earlgreyt rated it
March 3, 2019
Status: Completed
Not too bad bite-sized dramatic Cinderella-type short story. Warning for lots of cliches, 2D villains, and extremely self-sacrificial-lamb MC. If you're looking for tr*shy melodrama/hidden identities/cross-dressing etc. This is the story for you! Warning also for non-con/dub-con and a lot of unnecessary angst due to ML being an as*hole and in the closet.
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rurunren rated it
January 4, 2020
Status: Completed
The story is bland, you don't need to think much while reading through it. The story line is very generic and at some points the translation quality makes it a little bit difficult to understand. My recommendation is to ignore all the plot holes and feel happy at the end. The best part of the story is the happy end lol
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Aurinne rated it
November 11, 2019
Status: c10
Just finished a re-read, having forgotten almost everything about this story.

Basically, this is one of those stories where it may as well have been about a female MC because the only masculine thing about the MC was the fact that he was male (a story type that is not rare among BL). I think if you're the kind of reader who is tired of that, you will be critical of this story. It starts out intriguingly and somewhat promisingly, but in the end it also contains many familar aspects some... more>> people may similarly be tired of (MC/shou who turned out to be pathetically weak and permissive; convenient logic (i.e. Don't examine the story too closely) ; initially lovely ML who was overwhelmed by his own s*upid ML emotions so behaved hurtfully/disgracefully and, although he rectified his behaviour, used his ML-get-out-of-jail-free card to never be punished for it).

The main thing this story has going for it is an ability to draw you in and pile on the feels, and I found it did this really well. It manages to condense into ten chapters the amount of complication, scheming, emotion and (melo) drama you often get in C-novels with 300+ chapters, so it's a good, short read in that sense.

If you just like being swept away by stories without fussing too much, I highly recommend this. It's a great example of this kind of story.

If you're a bit more critical when you read and look for MCs with more agency, MLs with better behaviour etc. Then either skip this, or read it to enjoy being swept away and turn off the critical part of your brain. <<less
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Unbekanntoffel rated it
February 3, 2019
Status: Completed
It started out fine, but ended in a somewhat mediocre way.

If you like a casual short story with some dramatic angst, this is good for you.

I dislike angst for the sake of angst, and this story has it. I cried and felt really bad for MC, then I stopped halfway and went WTF.

... more>>

Your man pretended to be a lady, and you're pissed but you don't wanna leave him. So you keep him at home in a private area.... then proceed to f*ck xxx amount of women and show how happy you guys are next to his prison home. Then he tries to kill himself and you start confessing and begging for forgiveness???

ML's dad was the only logical character in this entire story. He deserves a medal for trying to send MC away from this scum abusive gong.


ML is some serious scum tho. (Really??? prostit**es before you marry and when you found your 'one true love'??) Thanks to him I now know what scum gong are like. MC was also a crybaby weakling, not sure if white lotus or just extreme self pity.

I really wanted MC to die so the angst could be satisfying, since ML deserves to weep. Or for MC to dump ML after meeting a better person...-sigh-

The translation quality was about 7/10. But misgendering MC after the gender reveal... ummmm. It might be the authors fault (他vs她), but it still peeved me a little.

It also irritated me a lot that MC had to pretend to be a woman even after the gender reveal. Not only that, but the ML even stated that 'cutsleeves are already an ancient thing' but still insisted in having him wear women's clothing all day. @—@ <<less
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Littlegirl78 rated it
November 21, 2018
Status: Completed
It's quite good but there is lots ıf holes in it.

... more>>

They married but wgat about heir. How can a man give birth to a heir!!!

Aboyt the Shou I just want to say one thing are we sure he isn't a white lotus. At some point I thought this was author's idea and at the end he would smirk like a winner. Result he wasn't a white lotus... But he was always crying, comminting su*cide because he lied to his lover and always but always blushing. I had read it because I thought he was a white lotus. It turned out to be his real persobality.


Despite the holes it's short so if you don't have anything to do or read give it a shot :) <<less
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guge rated it
April 17, 2022
Status: c10
I remember really enjoying this story until the kidnapping and mean-spirited consorting. But after reading it again a year later, it's a really tiny part of the story, which overall is quite well paced and fast. And, aside from being one of lux's better translations, also just a pretty good story. The feelings are all there and the smut scenes are the kind that capture the imagination. It's a tremendously quick read and the objectionable parts such as dubcon and cruelty are quite fast. If you're particularly sensitive to nonconsensual... more>> scenes then maybe skip it, but the emphasis on pleasure and mutual desire was enough to make it work for me.

Again, it's the harassment and house arrest and ensuing eye-rolling scene that was a problem for me (and many others). But after that it comes together very nicely and feels good to read, so imo it evens out. <<less
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Rinmoyi rated it
August 7, 2021
Status: Completed
It's a story with Angst. But at the end will find a little bit of sweetness. @_@

MC thought that he deceived ML so he had gone into hiding, and due to circumstances he lose his chances to clear up misunderstanding, but try to set ML up with someone else so at least ML could be happy. But when ML found the truth he couldn't accept MC's ture gender and gone to being scumbag, but later realize his mistake and try to mend up.

So it's a pretty much cliche story with... more>> smut. |~_~|Can try to read if bore. <<less
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Evesneon rated it
November 2, 2020
Status: Completed
A short day's read.

The starting had captured my attention, at how Yi Yun Zhai had dedicated himself searching for his love throughout the past 3 years and just when he found her.... realised that she might not be the one after all. The pain, slight tension between the lovers were great. 4 stars.

But my rating dropped because in chap 8 ... more>>

another round of unnecessary (I feel) blame game by Zhen Yu and Yun Zhai that just..... not even the last chap smut managed to pull the ratings up after that happened.


Hence a high 3.8 ☆ I would give <<less
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JohnnyCakes rated it
May 24, 2019
Status: Completed
So sad. I actually cried the whole time reading chapters 5-10. The characters themselves aren't very memorable. I love the story though, even if it is full of cliches. Sometimes cliches make a story better if used in the correct way. I'm still crying while writing this. I still think it's a good book. I recommend.

OH WAIT. Also, it's a rare book, where the main character is not the Shou, but the Gong.
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Noxidian rated it
March 13, 2019
Status: c10
This was a bit entertaining to read because of its angst, but I wouldn't say it's anything stellar. As I was reading this, I kept thinking to myself: how much longer does the MC have to suffer for over these dumb misunderstandings? The characters were never fleshed out beyond their archetypes (gentle, submissive MC + hot-tempered, domineering ML), so the whole story itself was flat. Once I finished the book, it felt like the whole purpose of this novel is to deliver some smut... Even though there isn't much to... more>> expect from this, it's a quick and short way to kill time. <<less
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whitespade rated it
November 23, 2018
Status: c10
Its a very sweet and just a little angsty story. I like how smoothly it flow and how the characters are very easy to be understood. The smut is till the end of the story, nothing too spicy. Most bl fan will like it.
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June 25, 2018
Status: c10
It's such a good read and man it's been a while since I cried because of a story BUT I hate how the unhealthy, abusive relationship is passed off as romantic... I don't mind reading the angst and ab*se but the fact that the uke just accepts it all makes me real frustrated with the ending. Still I recommend reading it as long as you keep in mind it's not a sweet story and "happy ending" is unrealistic.
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